New Installation Setup Instructions
Note: For specific help with any DynamicZip window or field, please use the built in DynamicZip Help by pressing F1 or clicking on the “?” button.
- Open the DynamicZip Setup window to configure the general DynamicZip settings.
- Open the DZ State Setup window and select Import States from the DynamicZip menu to import states.
- Using the DZ State Setup window make any 'personalized' changes for your company's needs.
- Configure settings like the Track Tax Free Jurisdictions and State Default Posting Account.
- Check the State Setup section on our FAQ page for specific examples on handling common situations, including but not limited to, Setting up Nontaxable States and Taxing Sales at Use Tax Rates.
- To facilitate tracking sales into non-taxable states we recommend using statewide tax schedules. The statewide schedules are created using the Create Statewide Schedules menu in the DZ State Setup window
- Note: If you have already imported rates & boundaries then certain changes made in the DZ State Setup window will require you to reimport the database to bring those settings into effect. The import should only need to be run for the states whose settings were modified, so you may want to restrict the import process to a single state, or a group of states.
- Create a group of the states in which you are required to collect sales tax. This is done using the DZ State Group Setup window. This is your taxable states group. The ID of this group can be specified as your Taxable States Group ID in the DynamicZip Setup window.
- Create a group of the states in which are are not required to collect sales tax but do sell into and would like the benefits of ZipAddressing. This is your nontaxable states group.
- Complete the rate & boundary import of your taxable states group to create the tax schedules and tax details. (This step also brings in the valid zip addresses for this group of states.)
- Complete the addresses only import of your nontaxable states group to bring in the valid Zip Addresses for those states.
- Assign your desired general ledger posting accounts to the tax details. This step may not be required if you assigned each state a Default Posting Account in step 4 prior to importing rates & boundaries.
- Run the DZ Customer Address Correction utility to update your customer cards with standardized addresses.
- Flag your exempt customers. This will cause DynamicZip to assign them an Exempt Tax Schedule.
- Run the DZ Assign Customer Tax Schedules window to update your customer cards with DZ tax schedule ID's.
- If you have items that are taxable in some states and exempt in others, configure Tax By Item Category.
- Create transactions and verify that the sales tax is being added to the transaction.
- Use the DynamicZip Report Wizard to create basic summary reports for your taxable states.
- Continue to monitor DynamicZip and its functions. It is the end users' responsibility to insure that tax is being correctly charged and reported.
Note: There are two DynamicZip windows that give users the ability to mass modify Tax Details and Schedules. They are the DZ Modify Tax Details window and the DZ Modify Tax Schedules window. Consider setting system security to restrict access to these windows.
dynamiczip/faq/new_install_instructions.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/19 14:34 by chuck