Table of Contents
DynamicZip Setup window
Access from DynamicZip Setup Navigation
Permission to access this window is contained in the Tax Setup Task.
This window allows you to specify company-wide settings and defaults for DynamicZip.
Import Settings
IMPORTANT: The Rate & Boundary database must be imported anytime changes are made in this section.
- Country Default for USA
- Country Default for Canada
- Create ZIP Code Exempt Schedules1)
- Use Naming Rules for New Cities & Counties2)
Address Entry:
- ZipAddressing Select to enable this feature company-wide.
Tax Schedule Selection
- Assign Tax Schedule Select to enable this feature company-wide. NOTE: Disabling this feature will also disable TBIC and Auto DZ Tax Recalculation.
Receivables Trx Entry:
- Sales (Set the Sales Tax Schedule ID to the document Tax Schedule ID.)
- Freight (Set the Freight Tax Schedule ID to the document Tax Schedule ID.)
- Miscellaneous (Set the Miscellaneous Tax Schedule ID to the document Tax Schedule ID.)
PayablesTrx Entry:
- Accrue Use Tax (Select to enable this feature.)
- Base on Vendor
- Purchases (Set the Purchase Tax Schedule ID to the document Tax Schedule ID.)
- Freight (Set the FreightTax Schedule ID to the document Tax Schedule ID.)
- Miscellaneous (Set the Miscellaneous Tax Schedule ID to the document Tax Schedule ID.)
Please see Use Tax Accrual Setup and Use Tax Accrual Settings for more information.
Sales Trx Entry:
- Tax By Item Category (TBIC)
Click the print icon to generate a report of the settings made in this window. The DZ Report Temp Report is used for this report.
This field added in Build 77.0
Removed in Build 77.0
dynamiczip/windows/dynamiczip_setup_window.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/04 21:59 by chuck