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Tax Detail

Tax details identify specific taxes, their tax rate and other details. You can view tax details using the Tax Detail Maintenance window.

A Microsoft Dynamics GP Tax Detail represents a single tax such as a state sales tax. A Tax Schedule is a collection of one or more Tax Details. For example, a Tax Schedule may contain a state sales tax detail, a county sales tax detail and a city sales tax detail. The DynamicZip Rate & Boundary Import process creates Tax Details based on the contents of the Rate & Boundary Database.

DynamicZip creates the Tax Detail ID based on the jurisdiction name and tax type. For example NYSSNEWYORK001 is normally the Tax Detail ID created for New York State Sales Tax. The 001 at the end of the ID is incremented as necessary to uniquely identify each Tax Detail. The following criteria from an existing Tax Detail are used to identify whether or not the Tax Detail ID belongs to a particular tax rate being imported:

  • The first 11 characters of the Tax Detail ID (NYSSNEWYORK)
  • The Tax Detail Description must match. (New York State S)
  • The Tax Detail Type must match. (Sales or Purchases)
  • The total length of the Tax Detail ID must match.

If all of the above criteria match, the corresponding record in the DZ Tax Detail Supplement table is located. If this record does not exist, the match is considered valid and the existing Tax Detail is updated as required base on the current Rate & Boundary Import If this record does exist, then the following criteria are also checked to insure that this is in fact a valid match:

If the above matching process fails to find an existing Tax Detail that matches the one one being imported, the sequential number (the 001 in the sample Tax Detail ID above) is incremented and the process repeats until a match is found or an unused sequence number is reached.


dynamiczip/glossary/tax_detail.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/12 21:21 by conni

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