Table of Contents
Rate and Boundary Import Checklist
Click here for a video tutorial on the Monthly Rate and Boundary Import process.
IMPORTANT: For first time installations, please be sure to complete the new install instructions prior to importing. Some setup options will only take effect once the import process completes.
Before Importing
Please see Pre Import Tasks to prepare for this import.
Import Taxable States
- Open the DZ Rate and Boundary Import window.
- Select the Import Source you have subscribed to.
- Select to import rates and boundaries for your group of taxable states.
- Verify Rates and Boundaries is optional and can be run separately.
- Tax on Purchases. Select this if you want to import use tax for Purchases.
- Enter or select the Local Import Path.
- SQL Optimize should be selected.
- Path on Server is optional.
- Specify the Group ID for the state(s) you want to import, or select Update All States Tax Schedules.
- Click the Import button to start the import process.
Import Nontaxable States
- Open the DZ Rate and Boundary Import window.
- Select the Import Source you have subscribed to. (It is assumed here that the KampDatabase Files have been saved to the folder that contains your tax rate import source database.)
- Select to addresses only for your group of nontaxable states.
- Enter or select the Local Import Path.
- SQL Optimize should be selected.
- Path on Server is optional.
- Specify your nontaxable Group ID for the state(s) you want to import.
- Click the Import button to start the import process.
After Import Completes
Validate and Update Addresses
Assign Tax Schedules
Update tax on unposted transactions
If you want to roll the newly imported tax rate and boundary changes out to existing documents that have not been posted, please see:
dynamiczip/faq/rate_and_boundary_import_checklist.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/15 15:24 by chuck