Table of Contents
DZ Rate and Boundary Import window
For builds 74 and later, access via DynamicZip Routines Navigation
This window replaces the DZ ZIPsales Import window as of Build 74.0.
Permission to access this window is contained in the Tax Setup Task.
The default setting for the check boxes in this window is based on your installation and registration keys and rarely requires modification. Therefore, under normal circumstances simply accept the defaults. The primary exception to this is when you want to import Zip Addresses for states in which you do not collect sales tax.
Please see the Rate and Boundary Import Checklist for more information on using this window.
- Import Source - Select the Rate and Boundary database that you are importing.
- Zip Address - Using this option, you can update zip addresses for all of the states included in your Import Source even when you are importing only a select group of states for tax purposes.
- Rates
- Boundaries
- Tax on Purchases
- The Import button will start the import process.
- The Stop button will terminate the import process. IMPORTANT: This will abort the process and some of the tax details and schedules may be updated and some may not. If you do stop the process, you should restart and complete the process before relying on the related tax rates.
DynamicZip Menu
dynamiczip/windows/dz_rate_and_boundary_import_window.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/26 13:14 by chuck