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Document Tax Schedule Report
Reports » DynamicZip» select Document Schedules from the DZ Reports drop down menu
Permission to print this report is granted to the Sales Reports Task.
Note: Prior to Build 71 this report was named “Invalid Schedules”.
This report process scans through the Transaction Work Files and generates a report of any transactions containing an incorrect or questionable tax schedule ID.
When and Why Should I Run the Document Schedules Report?
This report will identify all transactions whose Tax Schedule is invalid as a result of being modified or removed during the import process.
Please see How do I correct invalid schedules? for information about correcting documents identified on the Document Schedules Report.
To run the DZ Document Tax Schedule report:
- Open the DZ Reports window.
- Select Document Schedules from the Reports list.
- If a report option does not already exist, then click New to create one. Otherwise, select the existing report option, and click Modify.
- The DZ Report Options window should open. If creating a new report, then type a name for the Option.
- Select a sort option from the Primary Sort list.
- Select the Source.
- Insert a range of Update Numbers to include in the report. You should limit this range to the update that has been run since the transactions were entered/last updated. Typically, this number will be the most recent import's Update Number on the DZ View Update History window
- Press the Save button.
- On the DZ Reports window select the report option and press the Insert button.
- Press the Print button.
For an explanation of report messages see Tax Schedule Selection Messages.
dynamiczip/reports/dz_document_tax_schedule_report.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/13 19:06 by conni