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Address Auto Correction Report Messages
Permission to access the Address Auto Correction Report is granted to the Customer Cards Task.
Country updated
The Country has been (or will be) updated to agree with the Country Default setting specified in the DynamicZip Setup window.
Multiple Choices Exist
There is more than one choice (in/out of city limits, same city in different counties); DynamicZip is not able to select one.
Nearest Phonetic Match
This message will appear if you have Auto Correct City selected in DynamicZip Setup (Module Setup build 65 and earlier) and the city, state and ZIP Code combination does not exist. DynamicZip will look at various choices and choose the closest matching city.
NOTE: The Customer Address Correction utility will select the nearest phonetic choice using the Microsoft SQL Server SOUNDEX function. It will select the nearest phonetic match even in cases where the nearest match is not even close.
Single choice exists for this postal code
There is only one choice for that ZIP Code.
ZipAddressing Disabled for State
ZipAddressing has been disabled in DZ State Setup for a particular state or states.
Postal Code Missing
The ZIP Code for the customer is missing on the Customer record.
Unhandled postal code format
The ZIP Code for the customer could be entered incorrectly (wrong length), missing on the Customer record, be set to None in DynamicZip Setup (Module Setup build 65 and earlier), or be in a format DynamicZip does not recognize (a foreign postal code).
Postal code not in address table
The ZIP Code for the customer could be entered incorrectly, may no longer be valid, or be in a format that DynamicZip does not recognize (a foreign postal code).
Zip Address identified by Geocode
The city, state and ZIP Code are updated to reflect the Geocode stored in the DZ Customer Address Supplement window.