ZIPsales Database DetailG File
The DynamicZip Rate & Boundary Import process utilizes the information contained in this CCH ZIPsales Database file only when the breakdown details total the same tax rate as the source file detail being overridden.
As of Build 73 all of the records in the ZIPsales Database Detailg File are assumed to represent a break down of taxes contained in the Local.txt file. This is in response to instructions (from CCH technical support incident) that appear to contradict the ZIPsales Database documentation (DATABAS2.DOC). As the current situation seems to be a data issue rather than a documentation issue, this assumption can be turned off by modifying your Dex.ini.
dynamiczip/glossary/zipsales_database_detailg_file.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/12 22:25 by conni