Tax Detail ID
The Tax Detail ID in Microsoft Dynamics GP is an uppercase, 1-15 character string that is used to identify a Tax Detail.
DynamicZip has two different formats for Tax Details to distinguish between Zip Code Tax Schedule and Statewide Schedules.
Tax Details that get created for Zip Code Tax Schedules have the following Tax Detail ID format.
- Character 1 - 2 State
- State code.
- Character 3 Tax Type
- S = Tax on sales.
- U = Use tax on purchases.
- Character 4 Jurisdiction Level
- Character 5 - 11 Description
- Condensed description.
- Character 12 - 14 Distinction
- Sequential number to make each ID unique.
- Character 15 Qualifier
Tax Details that get created for Statewide Schedules have the following Tax Detail ID format.
- Character 1 - 2
- State code.
- Character 3 - 9
- TAXABLE = For use with taxable customers.
- EXEMPT = For use with exempt customers.
- Character 10 - 15 * [blank] = Currently not in use.
dynamiczip/glossary/tax_detail_id.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/12 21:24 by conni