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Why would tax schedule selection fail to work?

Tax schedules are normally assigned using these DynamicZip Routines:

There are several things that can affect the DynamicZip Automatic Tax Schedule Selection.

DynamicZip Setup window

These settings are made in the DynamicZip Setup window.

Tax Schedule Selection section

  • If Assign Tax Schedule is not selected, no tax schedules will be assigned.
  • If Restrict by Country Code is selected and the address has a country code that does not match either the Country Code Default for USA or for Canada as specified in the Import Settings section of the DynamicZip Setup window, no tax schedule will be selected for this address.
  • If Select Default is not selected and multiple tax schedules exist that could be valid for the address's tax location, no tax schedule will be selected for this address.
  • If Update Blank and Zip ID's Only is selected and the address currently has a tax schedule assigned to it that is not a Zip Code Tax Schedule or a Statewide Tax Schedule, no tax schedule will be selected for this address.
  • If Exempt Always Valid is selected and the address currently has a tax schedule assigned to it that has EXEMPT embedded in the ID, no tax schedule will be selected for this address.

DZ Customer Supplement window

This setting is made in the DZ Customer Supplement window.

Base Taxable Status

  • If Base Taxable Status is set to Default or Taxable, only tax schedules that are not Exempt Tax Schedules will be considered valid for this customer.
  • If Base Taxable Status is set to Exempt, only tax schedules that are Exempt Tax Schedules will be considered valid for this customer.
  • If Base Taxable Status is set to Ask, no tax schedule will be selected for this customer.


As a general rule, the quickest way to determine why a customer's address card is not getting updated with a tax schedule ID is to follow these steps:

  1. Open the Customer Address Maintenance window and select the customer and address ID for the address in question.
  2. Select DZ Zip Address Lookup from the Additional Menu and verify that the current address exists in the lookup window with the same zip code and city name spelling. (If the address does not match, consider using the DZ Customer Address Correction window to correct customer addresses.)
  3. When the address is validated or corrected, click or tab into the Tax Schedule ID field. This should trigger DynamicZip to select a tax schedule for this address. If this does not occur, open the Tax Schedule lookup window to see what choices exist for this address. Refer back to the above settings to determine why a tax schedule may not be selected.
  4. If there is only one valid choice for the address (or select default is selected in DynamicZip Setup) then open that tax schedule in the Tax Schedule Maintenance window and then select DZ Tax Schedule Supplement from the Additional Menu. In the DZ Tax Schedule Supplement window verify that the Geocode, Tax Location and Zip fields are not blank. If there appears to be a problem with this record, consider using the DZ Rate And Boundary Import window to refresh the tax details and schedules.
dynamiczip/faq/why_would_tax_schedule_selection_fail_to_work.1433173813.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/01 15:50 by chuck

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