
Update All States Tax Schedules

Select the Update all states - tax schedules check box in the DZ Rate and Boundary Import window if you want to import all states included in the Import Database, otherwise type a Group ID in the Group ID field. If the group doesn't already exist, you will be prompted to create it.

IMPORTANT: If the Rate & Boundary Database you subscribe to does not contain all states and you are Importing Zip Addresses for the other states and/or countries from another source, be sure to create a Group ID for the states you import from the Rate & Boundary Database Use that Group ID when importing the Rate & Boundary Database Do NOT select the Update all states - tax schedules, as that may result in the process purging all the addresses not included in the Rate & Boundary Database.

DZ Rate and Boundary Import window

dynamiczip/windows/update_all_states_tax_schedules.txt · Last modified: 2015/04/16 00:05 by

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