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DZ Customer Tax by State table

Permission to access this table is granted to the Customer Cards Task.

Display Name DZ Customer Tax by State
Technical Name KD_CustomerTaxByState
Physical Name DZ01102
Database COMPANY

This table contains the optional state override information that you have set up for specific customers.

You can view the contents of this table by opening the DZ Customer Supplement window.

The customer's override taxable status for the state is stored in the KDTaxStatus field.

Data Model Changes

The following fields were added with build 70:

  • Tax Exemption Number (Allowing you to track your customers' tax exemption numbers on a state by state basis.)
  • Exempt Status Expiration Date (If a date is entered, it will serve as an expiration date for the customer's tax exempt status for the related state. This setting only affects records with a Taxable Status of Exempt. If no date is entered, the customer's tax exempt status will not expire.)

DynamicZip Tables

dynamiczip/tables/dz_customer_tax_by_state_table.txt · Last modified: 2016/12/14 19:23 by chuck

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