Taxable Status
The Taxable Status affects the Tax Schedule Selection process. In other words, if you change a customer from Taxable to Exempt in the DZ Customer Supplement window the change has no affect until DynamicZip selects a tax schedule for this customer. Please see Tax Schedule Selection for more information.
Constant | Value | Description |
KD_TAX_STATUS_DEFAULT | 0 | This choice will cause DynamicZip to refer to your selections in the DynamicZip Setup window. The end result is the same as it would be if this customer supplement record did not exist. |
KD_TAX_STATUS_TAXABLE | 1 | This choice will cause DynamicZip to assume that the customer is always taxable (If an exempt schedule is already assigned to this customer, it will be replaced with a taxable schedule during the Tax Schedule Selection process). |
KD_TAX_STATUS_EXEMPT | 2 | This choice will cause DynamicZip to assume that the customer is always exempt (If a taxable schedule is already assigned to this customer, it will be replaced with an exempt schedule during the Tax Schedule Selection process). |
KD_TAX_STATUS_ASK | 3 | This choice will result in DynamicZip accepting any tax schedule that is valid for the tax location (taxable or exempt). If the current tax schedule is blank or not valid for the tax location, then instead of DynamicZip automatically selecting a tax schedule, the user will be prompted to do so - depending on the settings in the DynamicZip Setup window. |
See also DZ Customer Supplement window
dynamiczip/glossary/taxable_status.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/28 13:21 by chuck