Table of Contents
Address Supplement
DynamicZip creates address supplement records for customer addresses, vendor addresses and company site addresses. Tax schedules can be added and removed if appropriate by any rate and boundary import. The address supplement records are used to help preserve tax location factors pertinent to the tax schedule selected so that if that tax schedule is removed, a new schedule can be automatically selected by DynamicZip based on those factors. The tax location factors that can be preserved in the address supplement records include:
- ZIP Code
- Geocode (used to identify the city, county and state)
- Outside city limits (true or false)
- Country code
- Lock tax location (true or false)
Outside city limits
When outside city limits is selected, the tax schedule selection will not select a tax schedule that includes city tax details if another choice exists for the zip and if known, the county.
Tax location locked
Locking the tax location provides a way to use a tax location that is not the same as the address specified on the address card. This can be appropriate in cases where the ship-to address is not the same location where the product or service will be used. An example may be where goods are shipped to a warehouse and then moved to another location for use.
Locking the tax location also provides a way to lock in the city and/or county that DynamicZip should use for the schedule selection.
If Lock tax location is selected, then the address as it appears on the customer, vendor or site card is ignored for tax schedule selection purposes and the address used is determined by the above values. In this case, country code is used in conjunction with the DynamicZip option to restrict tax schedule selection by country code.
When the tax location is locked, DynamicZip will not modify the address supplement record. Any modification to locked tax locations must be done by the user in the address supplement window.
Tax location not locked
Address supplement records that are not locked are automatically updated by DynamicZip when DynamicZip selects a tax schedule for the address card. This schedule selection/automatic update can be triggered when a tax schedule is selected by the user in the address card when the user saves changes to the card. In addition, schedule selection via the following windows will also trigger this automatic update:
In addition, address supplement records that are not locked can by automatically updated to reflect the already assigned tax schedule using the Prepopulate Address Supplement process. This process can be run by the user via DynamicZip extras menus. Prepopulate also runs automatically during the rate and boundary import process prior to updating the tax schedules.
The use of the address supplement geocode applies only if the state portion of geocode is valid for the state specified in the address card. If the state portion of the geocode is valid for the state specified in the address card, then the address supplement geocode is used as follows:
Zip+4 enabled
If Lock tax location is not selected and the Zip+4 module is enabled, then the tax schedule selection will use the county portion of the geocode only if the Zip+4 module is not able to return a county based on the ZIP Code and its +4 extension. In addition, the tax schedule selection will use the city portion of the geocode if the city identified by the geocode exists in the address card's ZIP Code based on the DZ Zip Address Table.
Zip+4 not enabled
If Lock tax location is not selected and the Zip+4 module is not enabled, then the tax schedule selection will use the county portion of the geocode. In addition, the tax schedule selection will use the city portion of the geocode if the city identified by the geocode exists in the address card's ZIP Code based on the DZ Zip Address Table.