Sample Console App in C#
Please see Getting Started for help with using the KampData TaxEngine.
using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Collections; //Add the KDTaxEngine.dll as a reference. using KampData.TaxEngine.API; using KampData.TaxEngine.API.Enums; namespace TaxEngineConsoleApp { /// <summary> /// The CSharpClient object is a simple example of how the KampData /// TaxEngine can be utilized from a 3rd party application. This sample /// is not intended to be comprehensive. It simply illustrates the access /// methods. /// </summary> /// <remarks>To use the KampData TaxEngine in this sample, or in any other /// project, you must first setup the SOP module from the KDControlCenter.exe's /// Transaction Source Module Setup window. Please see "Getting Started"in the /// KDTaxEngine.chm help file for more information.</remarks> class CSharpClient { [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { string zip; bool abort = false; ArrayList cities = new ArrayList(); ArrayList counties = new ArrayList(); ArrayList states = new ArrayList(); string server = @"Microsoft SQL Server"; string userId = "User"; string password = "p@ssw0rd"; string companyDatabase = "TWO"; string systemDatabase = "DYNAMICS"; string itemCategory = "FREIGHT"; Int16 timeOutSeconds = 60; bool displayProgessBar = true; string loginMessage = ""; string message = ""; /// KampData.Portal object must be instantiated. Portal txEngn = new Portal(); try { try { /// The Portal.Login method makes the connection to SQL Server and /// prepares the TaxEngine for use. loginMessage = txEngn.Login(server, userId, password, systemDatabase, companyDatabase, timeOutSeconds, displayProgessBar); } catch (Exception e) { loginMessage = e.Message; } if (loginMessage != "") { abort = true; Console.WriteLine(loginMessage); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); // to hold window open displaying error message } if (!abort) { /// Set the docType and module using the values you have setup /// in the KDWindowClient.exe's Transaction Source Module Setup /// and Document Type Setup windows. In the SOP module, invoices are /// docType 3. /// (The SOP module can be setup automatically using /// File > Create SOP in the TE Transaction Source Modules window.) Int16 docType = 3; string module = "SOP"; /// You must assign a document number at this point. You can use a /// document number generated by your order entry software /// that will call the TaxEngine, or you can use the following code /// to generate a document number. string docNumber = txEngn.NextDocumentNumber(module); /// Initialize the document. txEngn.Document(docNumber, docType, module); /// DocSaleOrPurchase defaults to Sales, so the following line /// is unnecessary. However, you can set it to Purchases if desired. txEngn.DocSaleOrPurchase = SalesOrPurchases.Sales; /// You would normally set your customer ID at this point along with /// any other document defaults. For purposes of this demonstration, /// we will skip that step. //txEngn.DocCustomerID = "ADAMPARK0001"; /// We now add a line to the order. The addressing and taxation /// features occur on the line level. This step is required to /// instantiate a line object. We recommend using the lineNumber /// as it exists in your order entry system. Doing so ensures that /// the TaxEngine line and the order entry line can be matched and /// verified. int lineNumber = 1; txEngn.LineAdd(lineNumber); do { Console.WriteLine("Enter an item category. Press enter for {0}", itemCategory); string ic = Console.ReadLine(); if (ic != "") itemCategory = ic; if (itemCategory != "") { try { txEngn.LineItemCategory = itemCategory; Console.WriteLine("Item category has been set to {0}", txEngn.LineItemCategory); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); if (txEngn.LineItemCategory == "") Console.WriteLine("Item category is blank"); else Console.WriteLine("Item category is {0}", txEngn.LineItemCategory); Console.WriteLine(""); } } /// Select a ZIP code. Console.WriteLine("Enter a ZIP code"); zip = Console.ReadLine(); if (zip == "" || zip.ToUpper() == "EXIT") break; try { txEngn.LineZip = zip; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine(""); continue; } // Fetch the default tax schedule for this zip. txEngn.LineTaxScheduleSelect(); /* * At this point, the Portal object will have identified and made * available the default city, county and state for the ZIP provided. * Also, the default tax schedule will be identified, and made available. * The following call prints these defaults: */ Console.WriteLine("Count found: {0} Default: {1}, [{2}] {3} {4}", txEngn.LineAddressesInZip(), txEngn.LineCity, txEngn.LineCounty, txEngn.LineState, txEngn.LineZip); /* * Some ZIP codes are valid for more than one city, county and or state. * The Portal object can provide ArrayLists of the available choices. * The ArrayLists include: * All States in the current ZIP. * All Cities in the current state and ZIP. * All Counties in the current city, state and ZIP. * * For example, if you change the city, then the list of possible counties * may changes. * * You select the state, city and county in the same manner that you select * the ZIP. (ie txEngn.LineCity = "New Orleans";) */ if (txEngn.LineAddressesInZip() > 1) { states = txEngn.LineStatesInZip(); Console.WriteLine("States in ZIP:"); foreach (string state in states) { Console.WriteLine(" State of {0}", state); } if (states.Count > 1) { Console.WriteLine("Enter a state. Press enter for {0}", txEngn.LineState); string state = Console.ReadLine(); if (state != "") txEngn.LineState = state; } // Fetch the default tax schedule for this state and zip. txEngn.LineTaxScheduleSelect(); cities = txEngn.LineCitiesInStateAndZip(); Console.WriteLine("Cities in {0} state and {1} ZIP:", txEngn.LineState, txEngn.LineZip); foreach (string city in cities) { Console.WriteLine(" City of: {0}", city); } if (cities.Count > 1) { bool cityChosen = false; while (!cityChosen) { Console.WriteLine("Enter a city. Press enter for {0}", txEngn.LineCity); string city = Console.ReadLine(); if (city == "") { cityChosen = true; //Accepting the current value } else { try { txEngn.LineCity = city; cityChosen = true; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } } } // Fetch the default tax schedule for this city state and zip. txEngn.LineTaxScheduleSelect(); counties = txEngn.LineCountiesInState(); Console.WriteLine("Counties in {0}:", txEngn.LineState); foreach (string county in counties) { Console.WriteLine(" County of {0}", county); } if (counties.Count > 1) { bool countyChosen = false; while (!countyChosen) { Console.WriteLine("Enter a county. Press enter for {0}", txEngn.LineCounty); string county = Console.ReadLine(); if (county == "") { countyChosen = true; //Accepting the current value } else { try { txEngn.LineCounty = county; countyChosen = true; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } } } } /// In city limits is assumed. This line exists here only to /// illustrate that this option can be set after the city has /// been specified. txEngn.LineInCityLimits = true; txEngn.LineTaxScheduleSelect(); Console.WriteLine("Tax schedule [{0}] {1} Rate: {2}", txEngn.LineTaxScheduleID, txEngn.LineTaxScheduleDescription, txEngn.LineInitialTaxPercent); txEngn.LineItemUnitPrice = 100; txEngn.LineItemQuantity = 1; txEngn.DocCalculateTax(); Console.WriteLine(); message = "ID"; message = message.PadRight(80); message = message.Insert(17, "Description"); message = message.Insert(48, "Total"); message = message.Insert(58, "Taxable"); message = message.Insert(68, "Tax"); message = message.Trim(); Console.WriteLine(message); // This code displays the Microsoft Dynamics GP tax details // that were used. foreach (TrxTaxDetail trxDtl in txEngn.DocTaxDetails(TaxDetails.Transaction)) { message = trxDtl.ID; message = message.PadRight(80); message = message.Insert(17, trxDtl.Description); message = message.Insert(48, trxDtl.TotalAmount.ToString()); message = message.Insert(58, trxDtl.TaxedAmount.ToString()); message = message.Insert(68, trxDtl.TaxAmount.ToString()); message = message.Trim(); Console.WriteLine(message); } Console.WriteLine(); } while (zip != "" && zip.ToUpper() != "EXIT"); } } catch (Exception exc) { Console.WriteLine(exc.Message); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); // to hold window open displaying error message } } } }
taxengine/integration/code_samples/c_sample_code.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/06 20:00 by chuck