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KampData TaxEngine v.2.1

This release is compatible with Microsoft Dynamics GP R10, R11 (GP 2010) and R12 (GP 2013).

Release Date: August 20, 2012 (Version 2.1.4615)

Modification includes:

  • Added randomization naming technique to temporary table names to help prevent SQL errors that could occur when running multiple instances of the TaxEngine at a single time.

Release Date: October 5, 2011 (Version 2.1.4295)

Modification includes:

  • Fixed a bug that when an address was modified to one in which the customer is flagged as taxable, the exempt status was not getting cleared after using an Exempt Tax Schedule with DynamicZip setup to Preserve Exempt

Release Date: September 29, 2011 (Version 2.1.4289)

Modification includes:

  • Added the Portal properties Doc Default Use Exempt Schedules property and Line Use Exempt Schedules Property. When use exempt schedules is true, the TaxEngine uses DynamicZip Exempt Schedules for exempt customers and/or items. When use exempt schedules is false, the TaxEngine uses DynamicZip Taxable Schedules for exempt customers and/or items. In either case, the TaxEngine sets the taxable amount to zero resulting in no tax.
  • Removed obsolete code that was attempting to create a Data folder in the TaxEngine application folder. In some environments access is denied and throws an error.
  • Fixed a problem that could result in the TaxEngine Table Status window failing to display the tables.

Release Date: March 19, 2011 (Version 2.1.4095)

Modification includes:

  • The UseSqlPassword boolean has been added as a parameter for the Login Method You can now send in this bool during login to use Microsoft SQL» Server passwords. NOTE: Previously, only sa could log in using a Microsoft SQL» Server password. All other users were required to use their Microsoft Dynamics GP passwords. The KampData TaxEngine now allows for the login of Microsoft Dynamics GP users and/or SQL Server users.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the KampData TaxEngine to fail to accept the registration keys when running in a remote website environment. This resulted in a message indicating that the KampData TaxEngine was not registered.


KampData TaxEngine Modifications

taxengine/mods/taxengine_v2_sp1.1430263290.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/11 20:00 (external edit)

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