Web Server
Using the KampData TaxEngine on a server that is not attached to the Microsoft Dynamics GP SQL Server.
For security or other reasons, your Internet or Web Server may not have a direct connection to the SQL Server being used by Microsoft Dynamics GP In this case you will need to replicate the databases and certain tables on the Web Server to enable the use of the KampData TaxEngine on that server.
There are various complications related to manually creating databases and using the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard to move data into those databases. Primary complications include proper creation of the tables and all of their indexes/keys, as well as creating DYNGRP and assigning rights. To avoid these problems, we recommend using one of the following approaches.
- Back up your Dynamics and company databases, and restore them on the web server.
- Back up your Dynamics and company databases, and restore them on a test server. Drop all of the unneeded tables from the test server (And if desired, clear data from the transaction history tables). Backup the test server databases to restore onto the web server.
- Install Microsoft Dynamics GP on the web server, and use Dynamics Utilities to create the Dynamics and company databases. Then use the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard to transfer the required data from your Microsoft Dynamics GP server to your web server.
Once the tables are properly created on the web server with rights properly assigned to DYNGRP, future updates could be handled using the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard.
If Microsoft Dynamics GP has not been installed on the Web Server, you will need to use the SQL Passwords Only edition of the KampData TaxEngine.