Table of Contents
DZ Purchasing Tax History table
Permission for this file is granted to the Purchasing Reports Task.
Display Name | DZ Purchasing Tax History |
Technical Name | KD_POP_TaxHist |
Physical Name | DZ30360 |
Database | COMPANY |
The DZ Purchasing Tax History table stores the Tax Detail related to the use tax accrued on Purchase Order Processing transactions.
View Contents of Table
You can view the contents of this table by selecting the Additional menu Accrued Purchase Tax from (POP) Receivings Transaction Entry window or Purchasing Invoice Entry.
For posted transactions, select the Additional menu “Accrued Purchase Tax: Source” from (POP) Receivings Transaction Inquiry Zoom window or Purchasing Invoice Inquiry Zoom.
dynamiczip/tables/dz_purchasing_tax_history_table.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/18 15:51 by chuck