To create a Zip Address Import Source:
- Open the DZ Zip Address Import window.
- If you are using the CCH ZIPsales ZIP.txt file as your address source, you do not need to create an Import Source. Otherwise, you will need a Zip Address Import Source File.
- Type a name to identify the Import Source you are creating in the Import Source field. When you tab off this field, choose to add this Import Source when asked. This will open the DZ Zip Address Import Setup window. Use this window to complete the Import Source setup.
- Type a description for the source.
- Select the ASCII file type (comma or tab-delimited, or fixed) of the Zip Address Import Source File If the file type is comma or tab-delimited, you will only need to specify the column number in the Position field for each field to be imported. For example if the third column of the import file contains the ZIP Code, type a 3 in the Position field for ZIP Code. If the file type is fixed, you will need to specify the starting position in number of characters from the start of the row (with the first character being 1 not 0) and length of each field to be imported (also in characters).
- Click Save.
- See Import Zip Addresses for importing the Zip addresses.
dynamiczip/features/addressing/create_zip_address_import_source.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/25 21:52 by conni