
How can I create a test company for running DynamicZip in Demo Mode

The following steps will allow you to run DynamicZip in Demo Mode using data that matches what's in your live Microsoft Dynamics GP company.

  1. Create a backup of your Microsoft Dynamics GP accounting system.
  2. Log into Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities, and choose to Add the sample company data (If you have not already done so).
  3. Open SQL Server Management Studio, and log into your Microsoft Dynamics GP SQL Server as 'sa'.
  4. Expand the Databases folder.
  5. Right click on your live Microsoft Dynamics GP company database, and select Tasks»Backup.
  6. Create a successful backup of your live company's database.
  7. Right click on the sample company database (TWO), and select Tasks»Restore»Database.
  8. Restore the live company backup on the sample company database.

Copy DZ Company Tables

dynamiczip/faq/creating_a_dz_test_company_faq.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/20 17:31 by conni

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