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DZ Purchase Tax Link table

Display Name DZ Purchase Tax Link
Technical NameKD_PurchaseTaxLink
Physical Name DZ01404
Database COMPANY

This table is used to synchronize tax on purchases with tax on sales.

The table is populated during the import of tax on sales. The data in the table is not used unless tax on purchases is subsequently imported for the same state(s).


Most states tax purchases when used internally (use tax). However quite often this tax is not exactly the same at charged on sales in the same location. For example, quite often use tax is only levied at the state level or maybe the state and county level but more rarely at the city or district level.

Tax on sales and tax on purchases can coexist on the same tax schedule, the DynamicZip import needs to keep the two types of taxes synchronized so that when a tax schedule gets selected based on tax location, that schedule will be correct for use with either tax on sales or tax on purchases.

This table was added in Build 74

DynamicZip Tables

dynamiczip/tables/dz_zip2_tax_purchase_link_table.1524692577.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/25 21:42 by chuck

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