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Tax Report Messages
We have listed some of the report messages you may see and their meaning.
* = Tax detail summary out of balance with tax detail line
This message at the end of a DynamicZip tax report indicates that for at least one document included in the report, the sum of the line item tax detail records do not equal that tax detail ID's summary record. You can identify the questionable document and tax detail by printing in detail to the screen, and doing a find (CTRL+F) for an asterisk (*).
- Choose Inquiry » Sales » Transaction by Customer to select the transaction in question.
- Highlight the questionable document.
- Click Document Number to open the Sales Transaction Inquiry Zoom window. NOTE: You can click the Tax expansion button to view the tax detail summary records.
- Select a line item.
- Click the Item Number expansion box to open the Sales Item Detail Inquiry Zoom window.
- Click the Calculated Tax expansion button to view the tax detail records for that line item.
This situation normally results from editing one or more tax detail summary records, but not editing the related line item tax detail records.
** = Multiple values exist for this field
** within the body of a DynamicZip tax report indicates that the field has multiple values included within the sort break.
See (MIXED) below for additional information.
& = Tax detail summary out of balance with document
The tax amount of the tax detail summary records associated with a document should total the tax amount shown on that document, and if they do not, then tax reports including this out of balance document could be inaccurate.
This out of balance situation does not normally occur. Should it occur, it would indicate a data loss (Such as a damaged record that was removed from your transaction history files or an error during posting, etc.).
! = No tax details found / ! = Document tax detail summary records are missing
This message at the end of a DynamicZip tax report indicates that at least one document included in the report is missing tax detail summary records.
This may be the result of:
- No tax schedule assigned to the document. Please see Why isn't a tax schedule assigned to new sales documents FAQ for more information.
- No tax details associated with the tax schedule.
- The document includes only items and charges that are nontaxable.
- If the document tax amount is zero, then the user may have deleted the tax details.
- If the document tax amount is not zero, then it would indicate that the history table is damaged or that records have been removed from it.
You can identify the questionable document and tax detail by printing in detail to the screen and doing a find (CTRL+F) for an exclamation point.
- Choose Inquiry » Sales » Transaction by Customer to select the transaction in question.
- Highlight the document and click Document Number to open the Sales Transaction Inquiry Zoom window.
- Click the Tax expansion button to view the tax detail summary records.
# = Document reconciling adjustment
This message at the end of a DynamicZip tax report indicates that at least one document required a reconciling adjustment. With a detailed report, you can identify the document and tax detail by printing to the screen and doing a find (CTRL+F) for a pound sign.
When you select the report option Reconcile documents, balancing adjustments will be made to the resulting report so that the report total taxable and total exempt amounts are meaningful and agree with the sales documents included in the report. If you do not select this option, the balancing adjustments will not be made. With either selection, the total sales tax amount will be the same unless detail records are missing from the transaction history.
To clarify this issue let's assume we have a sales document that includes a single taxable item priced at $1,000. Let's assume further that this item is subject to a city tax, a county tax, and a state tax. Each of those three taxes will show an amount taxable of $1,000. Without the balancing adjustment, the report will show a total amount taxable of $3,000 ($1,000 for each of three different tax details). With the balancing adjustment, the report will show a total amount taxable of $1,000.
You can identify the questionable document and tax detail by printing in detail to the screen and doing a find (CTRL+ F) for an exclamation point.
- Choose Inquiry » Sales » Transaction by Customer to select the transaction in question.
- Highlight the document and click Document Number to open the Sales Transaction Inquiry Zoom window.
- Click the Tax expansion button to view the tax detail summary records.
When a field that is used in the sort order selected for the current report is blank, “(BLANK)” will appear in that sort field on the report.
Our document centric reports group all the tax details associated with a single document together. When a field that is used in the sort order selected for the current report contains different values for different tax details on that single document, “(MIXED)” will appear in that sort field on the report. For example if a document contains one tax detail for Jefferson county and one for Lincoln county and you sort a document centric report by county, this document will sort under County (MIXED) and not under County Jefferson or Lincoln.
See ** above. Some fields such as the state code are not long enough to contain (MIXED) and ** will be used instead. (MIXED) and ** are interchangeable.