
How do I do a clean re-import of the Rate & Boundary Database?

Simply re-importing the Rate & Boundary Database will refresh your current tax schedules along with their tax details. Under normal circumstances, this re-import is all that is required.

The following information is provided to facilitate starting over from scratch. This is not recommended under normal circumstances.

CAUTION: When this method is used, you will return to the point you were at before you originally imported the Rate & Boundary Database and before you created any manual tax details and tax schedules. Typically simply re-importing is the best and safest approach. This method normally should only be used in the case of a new install of Microsoft Dynamics GP and DynamicZip.

  1. On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Maintenance, and then click Clear Data.
  2. Change the series to Company and insert the table Sales/Purchases Tax Master. (This is actually a group of tables which includes the Microsoft Dynamics GP tax schedules, details, period history, etc.)
  3. Click OK to clear data on this group of tables.
  4. Change the procedure to Clear Data.
  5. Insert the following tables and click Process to clear data on them:
    1. DZ Zip Address table (this will remove zip addresses for all companies)
  6. At this point the tax details and schedules should be gone. You should now run the Checklinks process then re-import the Rate & Boundary Database.


dynamiczip/faq/clean_reimport_database_faq.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/20 18:28 by conni

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