
When should I run the Assign Tax Schedules routine?

The Assign Tax Schedules routine scans the address records to validate and update the Tax Schedule IDs. This routine should be run:

  • After each Rate & Boundary Import. The import process deletes Tax Schedules that are no longer valid, but does not remove those schedules from the address records. The Assign Tax Schedules routine updates address records with the proper tax schedule IDs. When a state creates a new tax or drops an old tax, any customer addresses that are subject to the effected tax jurisdiction(s) must also be updated. These are the kind of reasons why you must run the Assign Tax Schedules routine after every import.
  • After correcting customer addresses via the DZ Customer Address Correction window.
  • After making changes to the Taxable or Exempt ID fields on the DZ State Setup window. Or alternately, if you are switching a state from using Statewide Schedules to using ZIP Code schedules.
  • After setting or changing a customer's Taxable Status in the DZ Customer Supplement window. Running this process will help ensure that all of their address records are assigned the proper tax schedule IDs.
  • If you are using the expiration date setting in the Allow Overrides by State field on the DZ Customer Supplement window. This process can update the customer's current exempt tax schedule ID with a taxable tax schedule ID if their exemption certificate has expired.
  • If you are importing customers into Microsoft Dynamics GP then you could run this routine after each customer import to ensure that they have the proper tax schedule IDs.

Frequently Asked Questions

dynamiczip/faq/when_run_assign_schedules_routine_faq.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/07 22:24 by conni

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