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Portal Properties

The Portal type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCompanyDatabase
Gets the SQL Server database for the Dynamics® GP company. Used in the connection string.
Public propertyConnection
Gets the SQL Server connection object. This object manages your login to SQL Server, and is created with TaxEngine.Login();
Public propertyDetailAccountIndex
Gets or sets an integer used to identify the general ledger posting account. This account would typically be the appropriate sales tax payable account.
Public propertyDetailAdministrator
Gets or sets the government office responsible for the administration of this tax. The Administrator is typically the name of the city, state or county followed by the division type. Example "California: State".
Public propertyDetailAuthority
Gets or sets the authority giving rise to this tax. For general sales tax this will simply be City, County or State. Additional taxes may have descriptions such as "SPECIAL PURPOSE", "EDUCATION", "AUSTIN MTA", etc.
Public propertyDetailExempt
Gets or sets whether or not the tax detail is flagged as exempt from tax.
Public propertyDetailExemptionID
Gets or sets the Exemption ID for a tax detail. Identifies why a tax detail is exempt.
Public propertyCode exampleDetailExemptionSource
Gets the source of a tax exemption.
Public propertyDetailGeocode
Gets or sets the tax detail's geocode. This geocode identifies the tax authority's address. If the tax detail is for a state tax, then this will be the two character state geocode. For a county tax detail, this will be the five character county geocode. For a city tax detail, this will be the ten character city geocode.
Public propertyDetailLocationID
Gets or sets the Location ID specified by the tax authority. This value can be helpful when generating reports and preparing tax returns.
Public propertyDetailTaxAmount
Gets or sets the tax amount calculated on this tax detail.
Public propertyDetailTaxDetailDescription
Gets or sets the description of the tax detail. Typically, this will be the jurisdiction name such as "TEXAS State S" for Texas state sales tax or "TEXAS State U" for Texas state use tax. For a special purpose tax detail, the description will be similar to "WILCOX SPL Co local S".
Public propertyDetailTaxDetailID
Gets the Tax Detail ID used to identify this tax rate.
Public propertyDetailTaxedAmount
Gets or sets the amount multiplied by the DetailTaxPercent to compute the DetailTaxAmount. This decimal is not necessarily equal to the LineTaxableAmount. For example, if a single tax detail has a maximum or minimum taxable amount, then it affects the DetailTaxedAmount, but not the line-item's taxable amount.
Public propertyDetailTaxPercent
Gets or sets the tax detail's tax rate as a percentage.
Public propertyDocBalanceAmount
Gets the DocBalanceAmount. This should normally equal zero. This amount is the DocTotalAmount + DocTradeDiscountAmount - DocExtendedPrice - DocTaxAmount. The DocBalanceAmount will equal zero after calling the DocCalculateTax() method. However, if you manually set the DocTotalAmount, the DocExtendedPrice or the DocTaxAmount, the DocBalanceAmount will reflect the amount (if any) by which the values you have set are out of balance.
Public propertyDocBatchSource
Gets or sets the Batch Source. The Batch Source is informational only. It provides a way to specify where a transaction originated within the module. This value can be used for sorting and restricting reports but it is not ulitilized by the TaxEngine in any other way.
Public propertyDocCanCancelChanges
Gets the DocCanCancelChanges boolean. This will return true until changes have been committed to a SQL Table (such as deleting a line on an existing document).
Public propertyDocChanged
Gets the DocChanged boolean. The document has been modified since it was last saved or since running DocChangesReset().
Public propertyDocCustomerID
Gets or sets the DocCustomerID. This is a required field. The TaxEngine uses the customer info as the source for the default shipping method, ship-to destination and tax schedule. The TaxEngine also uses the customer ID to determine the customer's taxability.
Public propertyDocCustomerName
Gets or sets the customer's name.
Public propertyDocDate
Gets or sets the DocDate. This value will be used for tax reporting purposes, so typically it should be set to the date that the transaction is final and/or the tax is officially accrued.
Public propertyDocDefaultAllowAnyAddress
Gets or sets the AllowAnyAddress default. Controls the ability to enter addresses that do not exist in the address table. Setting this value will affect the current line and subsequently added lines.
Public propertyDocDefaultAllowAnyTaxScheduleID
Gets or Sets the AllowAnyTaxScheduleID default. Allows you to control whether or not to allow invalid/nonexistant tax schedule IDs. Setting this value will affect the current line and subsequently added lines.
Public propertyDocDefaultIncludeTaxInPrice
Gets or sets the IncludeTaxInPrice default. With this property set to true, the tax will be calculated in such a way that the price will include the tax. The TaxEngine reduces the taxable amount to the point that the taxable amount plus the tax equals the price entered. Setting this value will affect the current line and subsequently added lines.
Public propertyDocDefaultMarkdownTaxable
Gets or sets the MarkdownTaxable default. Allows you to control whether or not to tax the markdown amount. Setting this value will affect the current line and subsequently added lines.
Public propertyDocDefaultShippingMethod
Gets or sets the ShippingMethod default. Setting this value will affect the current line and subsequently added lines.
Public propertyDocDefaultShipToAddressID
Gets or sets the ShipToAddressID default. Setting this value will affect the current line and subsequently added lines.
Public propertyDocDefaultSiteID
Gets or sets the SiteID default. Setting this value will affect the current line and subsequently added lines.
Public propertyDocDefaultTaxScheduleID
Gets the document's default Tax Schedule ID. Setting this value will affect the current line and subsequently added lines.
Public propertyDocDefaultTaxScheduleSource
Gets the DocDefaultTaxScheduleSource. The returned value indicates the source of the document's default tax schedule.
Public propertyDocDefaultUseExemptSchedules
Gets or sets the UseExemptSchedules default. Setting this value will affect the current line and subsequently added lines.
Public propertyDocExemptAmount
Gets or sets the DocExemptAmount. The DocCalculateTax() method sets this value to the total of the LineExemptAmount's. See DocOtherAmount for information regarding setting this value manually.
Public propertyDocExists
Gets the DocExists boolean. This property will be true if the current document existed in SQL Server prior to opening it with the TaxEngine.
Public propertyDocExtendedPrice
Gets or sets the DocExtendedPrice. The DocCalculateTax() method sets this value to the sum of the LineExtendedPrices. See DocBalanceAmount for information regarding setting this value manually.
Public propertyDocMasterType
Gets or sets the DocMasterType. This is either negative or positive. Generally speaking, invoices are positive while returns and credit memos are negative. The affect of this field is that documents flagged as positive will be added and therefore increase the totals shown in the tax reports while documents flagged as negative will be subtracted, decreasing the tax report totals.
Public propertyDocModule
Gets or sets the Transaction Source Module. Store your identifying module ID in this field. Please see DocNumber for more information.
Public propertyDocNumber
Gets the DocNumber. Store your identifying document number in this field. DocNumber, DocType and DocModule must be a unique combination for each document. You can use this combination to link the documents in your accounting system to the documents in the KampData TaxEngine transaction tables.
Public propertyDocOtherAmount
Gets the DocOtherAmount. The DocOtherAmount should normally equal zero. This is the DocTotalAmount - DocTaxableAmount - DocExemptAmount - DocTaxAmount. The DocOtherAmount will equal zero immediately after calling the DocCalculateTax() method unless the document includes a Trade Discount or Markdown that is being calculated after tax. The DocOtherAmount will also be non-zero if you force the value of DocTotalAmount, DocTaxableAmount, DocExemptAmount and/or DocTaxAmount to amounts that do not total zero.
Public propertyDocPostingDate
Gets or sets the DocPostingDate. The date the transaction is posted in general ledger. Use of this date will facilitate generating tax reports that can be reconciled to your general ledger. The value of this property will be set to the current system date when the DocPost() method is called. Your code should then set the value to be the same as your general ledger posting date.
Public propertyDocPostingReference
Gets or sets the DocPostingReference. The Posting Reference is informational only. It provides a way to link transactions to a specific posting process. This value can be used for sorting and restricting reports but it is not ulitilized by the TaxEngine in any other way.
Public propertyDocReadOnly
Gets or sets the DocReadOnly. A document will typically be flagged as read only (taxEngine.DocReadOnly == true) when it is posted. Read only documents are not modified by the TaxEngine. You can set this value back to false to enable modifications.
Public propertyDocRecalculationRequired
Gets the DocRecalculationRequired boolean. True if a field value has changed that may affect the tax calculation. Run DocCalculateTax() to update.
Public propertyDocRequirements
Gets the DocRequirements. This is a text message listing any unfulfilled requirements that will prevent the TaxEngine from saving the document.
Public propertyDocRequirementsMet
Gets the DocRequirementsMet boolean. True if all of the fields that the TaxEngine sees as required have values.
Public propertyDocReselectionRequired
Gets or sets the DocReselectionRequired boolean. Returns true if the tax location, customer or item has changed since the current tax schedules were selected.
Public propertyDocSaleOrPurchase
Gets or sets the DocTransactionType. Sale will use the sales tax rate and link to the customer table while Purchase will use the purchase tax rate and link to the vendor table.
Public propertyDocSlamLoad
Gets or sets the DocSlamLoad boolean. SlamLoad prevents the tax document from recalculating during data entry. This could improve the performance of the TaxEngine and is primarily intended for use when importing existing transactions. While this value is set to true, the tax will not calculate. Alternately, you can calculate the tax at any time by calling DocCalculateTax().
Public propertyDocStatus
Gets the DocStatus. Temp = Document has not been saved to SQL Server. Work = Document has been saved to SQL Server. History = Document has been saved and posted.
Public propertyDocSystemDatePosted
Gets the system date that the document was posted on.
Public propertyDocTaxableAmount
Gets or sets the DocTaxableAmount. The DocCalculateTax() method sets this value to the total of the LineTaxableAmount's. See DocOtherAmount for information regarding setting this value manually.
Public propertyDocTaxAmount
Gets or sets the DocTaxAmount. The DocCalculateTax() method sets this value to the total of the LineTaxAmount's. See DocOtherAmount and DocBalanceAmount for information regarding setting this value manually.
Public propertyDocTotalAmount
Gets or sets the DocTotalAmount. The DocCalculateTax() method sets this value to the sum of the LineTotalAmounts. See DocOtherAmount and DocBalanceAmount for information regarding setting this value manually.
Public propertyDocTradeDiscountAmount
Gets or sets a trade discount applied at the document level.
Public propertyDocTradeDiscountTaxable
Gets or sets the DocTradeDiscountTaxable boolean. This allows you to specify whether the DocTradeDiscountAmount should be applied before or after the tax. If applied before the tax (Equals true), then the DocTradeDiscountAmount will reduce the taxable amount and resulting tax. The DocTradeDiscountAmount will then be allocated proportionately to each tax detail of each line-item. If applied after the tax(Equals false), then the taxable amount and resulting tax will not be affected by the DocTradeDiscountAmount. The DocTradeDiscountAmount will then be included in the DocOtherAmount and be disregarded during the tax calculation.
Public propertyDocTransactionNumber
Gets the DocTransactionNumber. This is an integer used by the TaxEngine to uniquely identify a document. For new documents, the next available number, as stored in the TE Module Setup table (DzTe0420), is used.
Public propertyDocType
Gets or sets the DocType. Store your identifying document type in this field. See DocNumber for more information.
Public propertyDocVoid
Gets or sets the DocVoid boolean. Flag the document as voided and then save the document. The document remains in the tax history, but can be excluded from tax reports.
Public propertyLineAllowAnyAddress
Gets or sets the LineAllowAnyAddress boolean. When true, the TaxEngine will accept any address as valid. No warning will be given for invalid addresses. When set to false, only addresses contained in the address table will be allowed.
Public propertyLineAllowAnyTaxScheduleID
Gets or Sets whether to allow tax schedule IDs that do not currently exist. This is primarily for importing transactional history because the documents' tax schedule IDs may no longer exist.
Public propertyLineBalanceAmount
Gets or sets the LineBalanceAmount. This should normally equal zero. This amount is the LineTotalAmount + LineTradeDiscountAmount - LineExtendedPrice - LineTaxAmount. The LineBalanceAmount will equal zero after calling the DocCalculateTax() method. However, if you manually set the LineTotalAmount, LineExtendedPrice or LineTaxAmount, then the LineBalanceAmount will reflect the amount (if any) by which the values you have set are out of balance.
Public propertyLineCity
Gets or sets the tax location city for the current line.
Public propertyLineCount
Gets the number of lines in the document.
Public propertyLineCountryCode
Gets or sets the tax location country code.
Public propertyLineCounty
Gets or sets the tax location county for the current line.
Public propertyLineExempt
Gets or sets the current line's exempt status.
Public propertyLineExemptAmount
Gets or sets the LineExemptAmount. The DocCalculateTax() method calculates and sets this value. See LineOtherAmount for information regarding setting this value manually.
Public propertyLineExemptionID
Gets or sets the LineExemptionID. Exemption ID's can be used to indicate the type of exemption. This can be useful for reporting purposes. Typically, the exemption source permits the entry of an exemption ID that will be used for this field. This value is set automatically based on the LineExemptionSource.
Public propertyLineExemptionSource
Gets the LineExemptionSource. Indicates why the current line is exempt.
Public propertyLineExists
Gets the LineExists boolean. This returns true if the current line of the TaxEngine document is not null. See LineAdd().
Public propertyLineExtendedCost
Gets or sets the LineExtendedCost. This is set to Math.Round(LineItemUnitCost * LineItemQuantity, 2) when the LineUnitCost or the LineItemQuantity values are modified.
Public propertyLineExtendedPrice
Gets or sets the LineExtendedPrice. This value is set to Math.Round((LineItemUnitPrice - LineMarkdownAmount) * LineItemQuantity, 2) when the LineUnitPrice, LineMarkdownAmount or the LineItemQuantity values are modified. See LineBalanceAmount for information regarding setting this value manually.
Public propertyLineGeocode
Gets the tax location's geocode.
Public propertyLineIncludeTaxInPrice
Gets or sets the LineIncludeTaxInPrice boolean. Set this to true if item price includes tax.
Public propertyLineIndex
Gets or sets the sequencial number of the current line.
Public propertyLineInitialTaxPercent
Gets the initial tax rate of the current line's effective tax schedule. Since some taxes start or stop at certain levels, this rate only applies to the amount up to that point.
Public propertyLineItemCategory
Gets or sets the item category for use with the item tax location taxability determination.
Public propertyLineItemDescription
Gets or sets the LineItemDescription.
Public propertyLineItemInventoried
Gets the LineItemInventoried boolean. This value will be true if the current LineItemNumber exists in the Item Master table.
Public propertyLineItemNumber
Gets or sets the LineItemNumber. Inventory item number is used for item taxability determination. See LineExemptionSource for more information.
Public propertyLineItemQuantity
Gets or sets the LineItemQuantity. Some taxes have a maximum and/or minimum tax per each unit of measure. The TaxEngine needs to know the quantity in order to take this information into account. LineItemQuantity, when used along with LineItemUnitPrice, can also be used for having the TaxEngine calculate the LineExtendedPrice.
Public propertyLineItemTaxOption
Gets or sets the LineItemTaxOption. Base on Customer/Nontaxable/Taxable.
Public propertyLineItemTaxScheduleID
Gets or sets the Item's Tax Schedule ID. This is only used for items whose TaxOption is Taxable.
Public propertyLineItemUnitCost
Gets or sets the LineItemUnitCost. Some taxes are based on cost and have a maximum or minimum tax per each. The TaxEngine needs to know the unit price in order to take this into account.
Public propertyLineItemUnitPrice
Gets or sets the LineItemUnitPrice. Some taxes have a maximum or minimum tax per each. The TaxEngine needs to know the unit price in order to take this into account.
Public propertyLineJurisdictionID
Gets or sets the LineJurisdictionID. This is based on the tax detail geocode(s). If the line includes city level tax details, the LineJurisdictionID will be 10 characters long. If there are no city tax details but there are county tax details, the LineJurisdictionID will be 5 characters long. If there are only state tax details, the LineJurisdictionID will be 2 characters long. If the tax details include multiple cities, counties and/or states, the LineJurisdictionID will be set to "MIXED".
Public propertyLineJurisdictionName
Gets or sets the name of the jurisdiction. By default, this will have a value based on the LineJurisdictionID. For 10 character LineJurisdictionID's, it will include the state code, the county (enclosed in square brackets) and the city. For 5 character LineJurisdictionID's, the city name will be omitted. For 2 character LineJurisdictionID's, the county and city will be omitted.
Public propertyLineMarkdownAmount
Gets or sets a markdown applied at the line level.
Public propertyLineMarkdownTaxable
Gets or sets whether the LineMarkDown should be applied before or after the tax. If this value is true, then the discount will be applied before the tax. The discount will reduce the taxable amount and the resulting tax. If this value is false, the discount will be applied after the tax. The taxable amount and resulting tax will not be affected by the LineMarkDown, and since it will be disregarded during tax calculation, the LineMarkDown will be included in the LineOtherAmount.
Public propertyLineNumber
Gets or sets the line number used in your order entry system to identify this line item.
Public propertyLineNumberMax
Gets the highest line sequence number in the document.
Public propertyLineOtherAmount
Gets the LineOtherAmount. This should normally equal zero. This is the LineTotalAmount - LineTaxableAmount - LineExemptAmount - LineTaxAmount. The LineOtherAmount will equal zero immediately after calling the DocCalculateTax() method unless the document includes a Trade Discount or Markdown that is being calculated after tax. The LineOtherAmount will also be non-zero if you force the value of the LineTotalAmount, LineTaxableAmount, LineExemptAmount and/or LineTaxAmount to amounts that do not total zero.
Public propertyLineOutsideCityLimits
Gets or sets the LineInCityLimits boolean. In cases where there are city and/or city local taxes, setting this value to true (the default) will include those taxes. Setting this value to false will exclude those taxes.
Public propertyLineRecalculationRequired
Gets the LineRecalculationRequired boolean. Returns true when a field value has changed that may affect the tax calculation. Run DocCalculateTax() to update.
Public propertyLineRequirements
Gets the LineRequirements. Returns a text message listing any unfulfilled requirements that will prevent the TaxEngine from saving the current line.
Public propertyLineRequirementsMet
Gets the LineRequirementsMet boolean. Returns true when the TaxEngine has all the values it needs to save and report the current line tax.
Public propertyLineReselectionRequired
Gets or sets the LineReselectionRequired boolean. Returns true when a field value has changed that may affect the tax schedule selection. Run DocTaxScheduleDefault() or LineTaxScheduleDefault() to update.
Public propertyLineShippingMethod
Gets or sets the LineShippingMethod. Used only to identify the shipping type (pickup or delivery).
Public propertyLineShippingType
Gets the LineShippingType. This is based on the LineShippingMethod. If no shipping method is specified, then shipping type defaults to Delivery.

The LineShippingType and DocTransactionType are used together to determine the default Tax Location.

Public propertyLineShipToAddressID
Gets or sets the LineShipToAddressID. The customer's address is used to identify the destination for the order. This ID is disregarded if the user modifies the destination.
Public propertyLineSiteID
Gets or sets the LineSiteID. Used to identify the origination of the products or services being sold. For purchases, this identifies to destination of products purchased.
Public propertyLineState
Gets or sets the tax location state for the current line.
Public propertyLineTaxableAmount
Gets or sets the LineTaxableAmount. The DocCalculateTax() method calculates and sets this value. See LineOtherAmount for information regarding setting this value manually.
Public propertyLineTaxAmount
Gets or sets the LineTaxAmount. The DocCalculateTax() method sets this value to the sum of the DetailTaxAmounts. See LineBalanceAmount and LineOtherAmount for information on setting this value manually.

As a general rule, this amount should not be set manually because it must equal the sum of the DetailTaxAmounts in order for the tax reports to be accurate and meaningful.

Public propertyLineTaxInPriceAmount
Gets the tax amount included in item price.
Public propertyLineTaxScheduleDescription
Gets the description of the current line's effective tax schedule.
Public propertyLineTaxScheduleID
Gets or sets the effective tax schedule ID for the current line. See LineTaxScheduleSource for more information.
Public propertyLineTaxScheduleRefreshRequired
Gets the LineTaxScheduleRefreshRequired boolean. Returns true if a change has been made to the item tax schedule or tax option that may affect which details are taxed.
Public propertyLineTaxScheduleSource
Gets the LineTaxScheduleSource. The returned value indicates the source of the effective tax schedule. If LineUseIvSiteAddress() = true, then the inventory site is the default source of the tax schedule. Otherwise, the default tax schedule comes from the customer address card. You can modify the tax location address, and have the tax schedule be based on that modified address.
Public propertyLineTotalAmount
Gets or sets the LineTotalAmount. The DocCalculateTax() method sets this value to LineExtendedPrice + LineTaxAmount - LineTradeDiscountAmount. See LineBalanceAmount and LineOtherAmount for information regarding setting this value manually.
Public propertyLineTradeDiscountable
Gets or sets whether to specify that certain lines on the document should not be affected by the trade discount. This will allocate all the discount to the remaining lines.
Public propertyLineTradeDiscountAmount
Gets or sets the LineTradeDiscountAmount. The DocCalculateTax() method allocates the DocTradeDiscountAmount to the LineTaxAmount's for each line for which LineTradeDiscountable = true. The allocation is made based on the ratio of the LineExtendedPrice to the DocExtendedPrice. See LineOtherAmount and LineBalanceAmount for information regarding setting this value manually.
Public propertyLineUseExemptSchedules
If LineUseExemptSchedules is true, the TaxEngine will assign a DynamicZip Exempt Schedule ID to exempt customers and/or items. If LineUseExemptSchedules is false, the TaxEngine will assign a normal taxable Schedule ID but set the taxable amount to zero for exempt customers and/or items.
Public propertyLineZip
Gets or sets the tax location ZIP code for the current line.
Public propertyLogErrors
Gets or sets whether or not to log errors. The TaxEngine automatically logs most unhandled exceptions when working with tax documents, unless this property is set to false.
Public propertyRegistered
Gets the registered property. The Registered property will return true if valid registration keys have been entered for the TaxEngine.
Public propertyRegistrationMessage
This message is intended to assist with the registration process. It is provides an indication of the registration status related to the TaxEngine Registration Keys.
Public propertyRegistrationStatus
The registration status related to the TaxEngine Registration Keys.
Public propertySiteName
Gets the Microsoft Dynamics® GP registered site name.
Public propertySqlServer
Gets the Microsoft SQL Server® name as used in the connection string.
Public propertyTestMode
Test Mode provides additional feedback on certain error conditions. Feedback most often comes in the form of a KampData.SqlTools.InternalInfoException but may include other types of exceptions as well. Additional information on error conditions will often be included in the error log when running in Test Mode.
Public propertyUserID
Gets the Microsoft Dynamics® GP login name as used in the connection string.
See Also