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Portal Methods

The Portal type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddressingEnabled
Returns true if Zip Addressing is enabled for the postalCode and countryCode sent in.
Public methodCreateDynamicsSopModule
This method automatically creates the default settings to work with the Microsoft Dynamics GP Sales Transaction Entry (SOP) module.
Public methodCreateTables
Create the KampData™ TaxEngine's Microsoft SQL Server® tables.
Public methodStatic memberDateCheck
This method will convert a string value to a .NET date string. For example, a newValue of 12505 will return 1/25/2005. The day can be one or two characters. The month must be 2 characters. The year can be two or four characters. Slashes are not required. To modify an existing date, all that is required is to enter the day or the day and month. For example if the originalValue = "1/25/2005" and newValue = "7" the return value will be 1/7/2005.
Public methodStatic memberDecimalFromString
This method will convert a string value such as $350.95 or 7.125% to its decimal equivalent.
Public methodDetailAdd
Add a Microsoft Dynamics® GP type tax detail record to the current line.
Public methodDocCalculateTax
Calculate the document tax (all details for all lines)
Public methodDocChangesReset
This method resets the changes tracked for the document including lines and details. Calling this method will result in the DocChanged property returning false until the document is subsequently modified. As a general rule, this method should only be called after creating a new document and supplying all of your default values.
Public methodDocClear
This method discards the document currently held in the TaxEngine. If the document has been saved previously, it simply releases it. If the document has never been saved, it deletes it.
Public methodDocDelete
Delete the current document from the TaxEngine tables.
Public methodDocGetDefaultJurisdictionID
This method will attempt to identify and update each line-item's Jurisdiction ID based on the default tax schedule for that tax location.
Public methodDocLoaded
This method returns true if the TaxEngine.Document is not null.
Public methodDocPost
Flag a document as posted. This is used primarily for reporting purposes. Post the document when the transaction is final and should be included in your tax reports. This method will also save the document.
Public methodDocPrint
This method will print out the current document. This report is extracted from SQL Server and will therefore reflect the values that have been saved to the server. It is recommended that your code check to see if DocChanged = true and if so to save the document before printing.
Public methodDocSave
Saves the document if all requirements have been met, and then clears the TaxEngine Document.
Public methodDocSave(Boolean, Boolean)
Allows you to save the document to the TaxEngine's SQL Tables without meeting requirements. Allows you to save without clearing.
Public methodDocTaxDetail
This method returns a single TrxTaxDetail record from the DocTaxDetails() array list. Added to assist with COM or other applications that do not support array lists.
Public methodDocTaxDetails
An ArrayList of the current document's tax details. The list is available in various forms as specified in the detailLevel. Available choices are as follows: Detail = Each tax detail in the document will be included. LineItem = Each tax detail in the current line will be included. Order = A summary of the tax details for the document (If multiple lines include the same detail, then they will be combined into a single detail). ShipTo = A summary of the tax details for the destination geocode (If multiple lines include the same detail, then they will be combined into a single detail). Prior = For KampData TaxEngine internal use only.
Public methodDocTaxDetailsCount
A count of the TrxTaxDetail records in DocTaxDetails();
Public methodDocTaxDetailsRemove
Removes all tax details associated with the current document.
Public methodDocTaxScheduleDefault
This method will reassign the default tax schedule from the customer/vendor address record to the document header and then call LineTaxScheduleDefault() for each line in the document.
Public methodDocTaxScheduleRefresh
This method will remove the current tax details from this document and replace them with fresh tax details based on each line's effective tax schedule.
Public methodDocTaxScheduleSelect
This method calls LineTaxScheduleSelect() for each line in the document. This method then calls DocCalculateTax() to complete the process.
Public methodDocument(Int32)
This method will load an existing document identified by the transaction number provided. This method cannot be used to create new documents.
Public methodDocument(String, Int16, String)
This method will load a document identified by the document number, document type and module provided. This method can be used to create new documents as well as to load existing documents.
Public methodEnabled
This method returns true if the Optional Feature is enabled.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodItemCategories
All existing item categories.
Public methodLineAdd
Add a line-item to the document.
Public methodLineAddressesInZip
Number of city, county, state combinations in the current ZIP code.
Public methodLineAddressList
The city, county, state combinations in the current ZIP code.
Public methodLineAddressValidate
This method will compare the current address with the addresses included in the ZipAddress table. If the current address is found, this method will update the LineGeocode based on the match found and return true; If the current address is not found then this method will terminate and return false.
Public methodLineCitiesInStateAndZip
Cities in the current state and ZIP code.
Public methodLineCitiesInStateAndZipCount
Number of cities in the current state and ZIP code.
Public methodLineCityInStateAndZip
Provides a way to iterate through the City array list. Added to assist with COM applications or other applications that do not support array lists.
Public methodLineCountiesInState
Counties in the current state.
Public methodLineCountiesInStateCount
Returns a count of the counties in the current city, state and zip.
Public methodLineCountyInState
Provides a way to iterate through the County array list. Added to assist with COM applications or other applications that do not support array lists.
Public methodLineGetDefaultJurisdictionID
This method will attempt to identify and update this line-item's Jurisdiction ID based on the default tax schedule for this line-item's tax location.
Public methodLineMoveNext
Make the next (higher) LineIndex the current line.
Public methodLineMovePrev
Make the previous (lower) LineIndex the current line.
Public methodLineRemove
Delete the current line.
Public methodLineStatesInZip
States in the current ZIP code.
Public methodLineStatesInZipCount
Returns a count of the states in the zip code.
Public methodLineTaxDetailsRemove
Removes all tax details associated with the current document.
Public methodLineTaxScheduleDefault
This method will start with the tax schedule from the customer/vendor address or IV site record for the line-item, and when appropriate, run the tax schedule selection process to replace it.
Public methodLineTaxScheduleRefresh
This method will remove the current tax details from this line and replace them with fresh tax details based on the effective tax schedule.
Public methodLineTaxScheduleSelect
This method will select a tax schedule based on the Tax Location, Customer and Item settings. This feature is not available for the KampData TaxEngine Lite.
Public methodLineUseIvSiteAddress
This method will return true if DocTransactionType = Sales and the LineShippingType = Pickup or if DocTransactionType = Purchases and the LineShippingType = Delivery.
Public methodLogin(Connection)
This Login method enables the creation of new instances of the TaxEngine based on an existing connection.
Public methodLogin(String, String, String, String, Int16, Boolean)
This Login method is retained for backward compatibility. It uses DYNAMICS as the system database and uses encrypted Dynamics passwords.
Public methodLogin(String, String, String, String, Int16, Boolean, Boolean)
This Login method is retained for backward compatibility. It uses DYNAMICS as the system database.
Public methodLogin(String, String, String, String, String, Int16, Boolean)
This login works with Dynamics encrypted passwords.
Public methodLogin(String, String, String, String, String, Int16, Boolean, Boolean)
This method creates and validates the connection to SQL Server. It also verifies the existence and checks the state of the TaxEngine tables. If the tables do not exist and the user has create rights, this method will create the missing tables.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMissingTables
This method checks for missing Microsoft SQL Server® tables.
Public methodModuleDocTypes
Document types designated to a Transaction Source Module.
Public methodModules
Transaction Source Modules that have been created using the KDControlCenter.exe application.
Public methodNextDocumentNumber
Whenever a value is returned for this property, the document number stored in the KD Module Setup table is incremented. Optimistic concurrency is used to insure that each document number returned is unique.
Protected methodStatic memberOnRowUpdated
This method is used in conjunction with optimistic concurrency checking.
Public methodRegistrationStatusUpdate
This method reads the registration keys from the table and sets the RegistrationStatus accordingly.
Public methodTaxScheduleSelectionEnabled
Returns true of Tax Schedule Selection is enabled for the countryCode sent in.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodValidateTables
Checks the KampData TaxEngine's Microsoft SQL Server® tables for invalid or missing fields.
See Also