
Tax Engine Minimum Tax Bug

The Microsoft Dynamics GP Tax Engine fails to properly calculate tax under the following circumstances:

  • The Taxable Amount: Minimum is greater than zero.
  • Include: is set to Amount within Range.
  • Qualifers: is set to Invoice Total.

When the above conditions are all true, the Microsoft Dynamics GP Tax Engine calculates the tax as though Include: was set to Full Amount.

This irregularity was initially discovered and reported to Microsoft May 13, 2008. At this time it appeared that the only jurisdiction affected by this problem is Catawba Indian Reservation, SC.

On July 2, 2008 Microsoft responded with the following:

ASSESSMENT: The steps that I sent to you were sent to the correct team under Collaboration Request #5032 (Total Taxable Sales and Tax Amount incorrect when using the “Amount Within Range” Include option and then “Invoice Total” Qualifier option for sales tax details).

I was informed that the behavior that we have tested on is correct and is by design. Here are more details:

1. The “Amount within Range” Include option only applies to the “Unit Amount” and “Extended Amount” qualifiers for the following modules:

  • Sales Order Processing
  • Purchase Order Processing
  • Invoicing

2. The “Invoice Total” qualifier does not work in these modules in the same way. If this is selected then the Min and Max values that are placed in the “Taxable Amount” section are only used as qualifiers to whether tax should be a calculated on the transaction.

I sincerely apologize that the documentation that are available on setting up tax details did not inform us of these exceptions. I will send an email to the correct team to request for this information to be included in at least one of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Help Files.

Microsoft Dynamics GP Known Issues

dynamiczip/troubleshooting/issues/tax_engine_minimum_tax_bug.txt · Last modified: 2015/04/14 19:39 by

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