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Automatic customer schedule selection not honoring Outside City selection


When Assign Tax Schedule is selected in the DynamicZip Setup window, tabbing or clicking into the Tax Schedule ID field in the Customer Address Maintenance window automatically selects a tax schedule for the address. This process should consider any tax schedule that contains city level taxes as invalid for a customer flagged as being Outside city limits in the DZ Customer Address Supplement window. However, this process was ignoring the outside city limits selection and continuing to assign an inside city tax schedule.


The automatic tax schedule process now correctly assigns a rural tax schedule to customer addresses flagged as being outside city limits.

This was completed in the following builds:

dynamiczip/install/mods/automatic_customer_schedule_selection_not_honoring_outside_city_selection.1436892398.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/14 16:46 by chuck

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