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Charge Tax Expense

The DynamicZip Use Tax Accrual feature provides flexible options for the posting account used to the offset to the accrual of taxes owed.

The Charge Tax Expense option is turned on or off in the Payables Trx Entry section of the DynamicZip Setup window.


If the Tax Details do not have a posting account specified, then the default tax posting account (specified in the Posting Accounts Setup window for Purchasing - Tax) is used.

NOTE: The Tax Details' accounts can be changed individually using the Tax Detail Maintenance window, or en masse using the DZ Set Posting Accounts window


Payables Transaction Entry

Purchase Order Processing

When the Charge Tax Expense option is enabled, the debit side of the use tax accrual will go to the vendor's Tax account (specified in the Vendor Account Maintenance window). If the vendor's Tax account is blank, then the Tax account for Purchasing is used (specified in the Posting Account Setup window).

When the Charge Tax Expense option is NOT enabled, the debit side of the use tax accrual will go to the item's Inventory account (specified in the Item Account Maintenance window) for inventoried items and the vendor's Purchases account for non-inventoried items. If the inventoried items' posting accounts are blank, then the Purchases account for Purchasing is used (specified in the Posting Account Setup window).

Both the debit and the credit can be modified by the user. You could modify these from the Invoice Distributions window.