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Unexpected Exempt Schedules in Tax Schedule Supplement


Prior to actually putting the DZ Tax Schedule Supplement table into use, DynamicZip code was adding records to this table. This happened with the late releases of Build 66 and the early releases of Build 67. This process added exempt schedules to this table as well as taxable schedules. Since the DZ Tax Schedule Supplement table was actually put to use with Build 72, only taxable schedules have been added to this table. The Build 74 and later code used to select a tax schedule does not expect this table to contain exempt tax schedules. This could cause a taxable customer to be assigned an exempt tax schedule. In certain cases, each time the schedule selection process ran, it would switch the tax schedule from taxable to exempt or vice versa.


The Rate and Boundary Import Process now purges exempt schedules from the DZ Tax Schedule Supplement table if they are for a zip code included in the import.

This was completed in the following builds:
