Table of Contents
Developer Overview
NOTE: These instructions are written with the assumption that you are familiar with your chosen development environment.
Sample Code
Our sample code just touches on a few of the features available in the TaxEngine . The code is intended to provide a cursory understanding of how to connect to and call the TaxEngine. Please refer to TaxEngine Interface Fields window for more information on the features and functions available.
Installing and using our sample code can provide a jump start into the task of integrating with the KampData TaxEngine. The following steps will guide you in this process:
- Microsoft Dynamics GP must be installed and functioning. The database used for the accounting system must be Microsoft SQL Server.
- DynamicZip must be installed and functioning within Microsoft Dynamics GP.
- The Rate & Boundary Database must be imported by DynamicZip into Microsoft Dynamics GP.
- The existing customers' addresses should be standardized using the DynamicZip Customer Address Correction utility.
- The existing customers should have tax schedules assigned using the DynamicZip Assign Customer Tax Schedules utility.
- The Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed.
- Install the KampData TaxEngine.
- Setup the KampData TaxEngine.
- For KampData TaxEngine versions 1, you must run the Microsoft Dynamics GP Grant.sql script against the company and DYNAMICS databases to grant rights to your users to the tables, views and stored procedures.NOTE: In KampData TaxEngine versions 2.0 and later, granting rights is handled automatically during installation.
- At this point, the KampData TaxEngine is installed, functioning and ready for your integration work.
Visual Studio
- Create a new Console Application project in Visual Studio.
- Copy and paste the Sample Code into the new project.
- In the Solution Explorer add a reference to KDTaxEngine.dll.
- For simplicity, our sample uses hardcoded values for the login to SQL Server. You must modify these values as required for your login. This includes the following fields:
- server
- userId
- password
- systemDatabase (Typically DYNAMICS)
- companyDatabase
- Compile and run the application.
- Register the KampData TaxEngine.
- Open a copy of your Dynamics.dic with Dexterity.
- Add the KDTaxEngine to Libraries in the dictionary's Base Resources. To add the library, click the Folder icon and browse to the KDTaxEngine.tlb created when you registered the KampData TaxEngine in step 1.
- Create a new Script (Procedure). This can be a form or global script.
- Copy and paste the Sample Code into the new script.
- Add a menu selection or button to a new or existing window that calls the new script.
- Our sample uses values that we have extracted from the Microsoft Dynamics GP login for the TaxEngine's login to SQL Server. To perform the extraction we use the DynamicZip functions ConnectionString_Server(), ConnectionString_Password() and ConnectionString_Company() along with the GP global variable 'User ID' of globals. The DynamicZip functions will most likely not be available to you. For purposes of working with this sample code we suggest that you hardcode these values as required for your login (In other words, simply set them to the desired value in your code). This includes the following fields:
- server
- userId
- password
- systemDatabase
- companyDatabase
- Compile the code and launch GP, from the Debug menu choose Test Mode. Run the sample script using the button or menu selection that you created in step 6.
taxengine/integration/developer_overview.txt · Last modified: 2015/07/01 16:23 by conni