USPS city name not the incorporated city name
Situations exist where the USPS preferred city name is not the name of an incorporated city. In most cases this is not a problem. However, when USPS preferred city name is a region within an incorporated city, this can cause a schedule selection problem. For example, the USPS preferred city name for zip code 11373 is Elmhurst. Elmhurst is a neighborhood within the borough of Queens within New York city. New York city has a tax and therefore will only be selected if the address city name is New York. In this case (when using the Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE Complete+ Database) the only choice is the New York city tax schedule but it's not selected due to the city name conflict.
In the DZ Customer Address Supplement window, select the Lock Tax Location checkbox, enter a zip code that has New York as the USPS preferred city name. The actual city name should automatically populate in the Geo City field. Subsequent tax schedule selections for this address should use the tax location locked in (in this case New York city).