CCH ZIPproduct Manager Known Issues
Listed on this page are some possible issues that users may experience with the CCH ZIPproduct Manager. We have provided this information from the CCH website as a convenience.
For more information or if you need support on the ZIPproduct Manager please contact CorpSystem Sales Tax Technical Support using one of the following options
- Phone at 1-800-739-9998
NOTE: Although the following information refers to Windows Vista, 7 and 8, these issues have also happened in Windows 10.
You might encounter “Cannot write data to disk. There has been a sharing violation. The destination file may be in use” message. You might also encounter “Auto Update” message. To eliminate this, you need to do the following:
Vista user
- Browse to Windows folder
- Click on “Compatibility Files”
- Find “” file
- Rename it to “cchzipp.ini” file
- Move the renamed “cchzipp.ini” file to the root of Windows folder
- Confirm the override
Windows 7 & 8 users
- Right click on ZIPproduct manager icon on the desktop and go to Properties
- Click on the “Compatibility” tab
- Check off “Run this program in compatibility mode for:”Select ‘Windows XP (Service Pack 3)” from the drop down menu.
Users may also get the following error when trying to install from the executable downloaded and ‘saved’ (to run later) from the internet.
“Administrator has blocked this file”
Please do the following:
- Right click on ZIPproduct manager .exe file on the desktop (or wherever it was saved) and go to Properties
- Click on the “General” tab
- Click on the ‘Unblock’ option
- Click Apply
The installer should run after this.
It’s possible to encounter an ODBC driver error. To eliminate that, you need to click on the vfpodbc.msi link on the CCH website to install “Microsoft Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver”.
Windows 7 & 8 users: We strongly suggest downloading and installing the vfpodbc.msi after installing the ZIPproduct manager to avoid any further issues.