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Calling DynamicZip from another 3rd party product
Procedure DynamicZipCall_External
This procedure has been designed to make it possible to call the DynamicZip ZipAddressing and Tax Schedule Selection from another 3rd Party Integrating Dictionary.
This procedure can be called using the Dexterity statement:
call with name "DynamicZipCall_External" in dictionary 581 {, parameter, parameter,...}
Be sure to include all parameters. The optional parameters can be included simply as a comma with no associated value.
Build 74 and later
Note: When the parameter iTaxOnPurchases = true, parameters labeled as Customer become Vendor.
- in boolean iTaxOnPurchases;
- in 'Customer Number' iCustomerNumber;
- in 'Address Code' iShipToAddressId;
- inout City ioShipToCity;
- inout 'KD County' ioShipToCounty;
- inout State ioShipToState;
- inout Zip ioShipToZip;
- inout 'Country Code' ioShipToCountry;
- in boolean iCorrectAddress; {Run ZipAddressing}
- inout 'Tax Schedule ID' ioDocTaxScheduleId; {Customer's tax schedule id for this doc or line-item}
- in boolean iAssignTaxSchedule; {Run tax schedule selection}
- in 'Location Code' iIVSite;
- in 'Shipping Method' iShippingMethod;
- in 'Item Number' iItemNumber;
- optional inout string ioItemCategory;1)
- inout 'Tax Options' ioItemTaxOption;2)
- inout 'Tax Schedule ID' ioItemTaxScheduleId;3)
- inout KDGeoCode ioShipToGeocode;4)
- optional inout boolean ioOutsideCityLimits = false; 5)
- optional in boolean iUnsued1 = false; 6)
- optional in boolean iUnused2; 7)
- optional in boolean iUnused3; 8)
- optional in boolean iSelectDefaultSchedule;9)
- optional in boolean iTaxByItemCatagory;10)
- optional in boolean iUseUspsCity;11)
- optional in integer iWindowCalledFrom;12)
- out string oMessage;13)
- out integer oAddressStatus;
- out integer oScheduleStatus;
- optional out KDTaxStatus oCustomerTaxableStatus;
- optional out boolean oTaxByItemCatRecordFound;
- optional in date iTaxDate; {Not used}
- optional in integer iTaxLocationType = KD_LOCATION_CUSTOMER; 14)
Prior to Build 74
Note: When the parameter iTaxOnPurchases = true, parameters labeled as Customer become Vendor.
- in boolean iPurchaseTax; {defaults to false (sales)}
- in 'Customer Number' iCustomerNumber;
- in 'Address Code' iShipToAddressId;
- inout City ioShipToCity;
- inout 'KD County' ioShipToCounty;
- inout State ioShipToState; {two character state code}
- in Zip iShipToZip;
- inout 'Country Code' ioShipToCountry;
- in boolean iCorrectAddress; {used to control whether or not DynamicZip should perform address validation & correction}
- inout 'Tax Schedule ID' ioDocTaxScheduleId; {Customer's tax schedule id for this doc or line-item}
- in boolean iAssignTaxSchedule; {used to control whether or not DynamicZip should perform tax schedule ID validation & reselection}
- in 'Location Code' iIVSite;
- in 'Shipping Method' iShippingMethod;
- in 'Item Number' iItemNumber;
- optional inout string ioItemCategory; {used only if non-blank value sent and item number is blank}
- inout 'Tax Options' ioTaxOptions; {the item tax option; Base on Customers, Taxable, Nontaxable}
- inout 'Tax Schedule ID' ioItemTaxScheduleId; {Item's tax schedule id used if item's tax option is 'Taxable'}
- inout KDGeoCode ioGeocode;
- optional in boolean iInsideCityLimits;
- optional in boolean iPreserveCityLimitsSelection;
- optional in boolean iAssumeInCityLimits; {defaults to the setting in the DynamicZip Setup window }
- optional in boolean iAssumeTaxable; {defaults to the setting in the DynamicZip Setup window }
- optional in boolean iBaseOnMajority; {defaults to the setting in the DynamicZip Setup window }
- optional in boolean iTaxByItemClass; {defaults to the setting in the DynamicZip Setup window }
- optional in boolean iUseUspsCity; {defaults to the setting in the DynamicZip Setup window }
- optional in integer iWindowCalledFrom;
- out string oMessage;
- out integer oAddressStatus;
- out integer oScheduleStatus
- optional out KDTaxStatus oCustomerTaxableStatus;
- optional out boolean oTaxByItemCatRecordFound;
- optional in date iTaxDate; {Not used}
If iItemNumber is not blank, ioItemCategory should be left blank and the setting from TBIC setup will be used. Alternately leave iItemNumber blank and specify the desired ioItemCategory.
If provided, the geocode will override the ship-to address. ioShipToGeocode should normally be left blank.
This is used when automatically opening the address or tax schedule lookup window. This should normally not be used by another 3rd party product.
This will be blank unless an address or tax schedule could not be selected.
This parameter added with Build 74.
dynamiczip/integration_points/dynamiczip_call_external_procedure.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/21 22:35 by conni