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SQL NOLOCK is a record locking hint used in SQL Queries. In one instance one of our users told us he experienced record locking problems while running DynamicZip Tax Reports using the SQL Optimized option. At his request we added the SQL NOLOCK option which utilizes this hint in certain SQL Queries used to generate the related report.

Our own research on this subject suggests that this option should be used only if you experience record locking problems and then should be used with the understanding that the resulting reports may lack the accuracy and precision that they would have without the option.

Subsequent testing by the above mentioned user indicated that SQL NOLOCK did not resolve the problem he was experiencing. As a result, we have since removed this option.

DynamicZip Build 71.1

dynamiczip/install/mods/release/build71/sql_nolock.txt · Last modified: 2015/04/21 23:30 by

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