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DZ Silent Extended Tax Recalculation

Please note: The method described here has been rendered obsolete by the Process mode available in the DZ Sales Batch Processing window. The following method has been retained primarily for older builds of DynamicZip that do not support the Process mode mentioned above.

To facilitate the use of Macros to perform the DZ Extended Tax Recalculation on multiple documents, we have added the option to “silence” this process. “Silence” means that no report will be printed after a document is recalculated.

The following entry in the Dex.ini is used to enable this option:


This setting alters the DZ Extended Tax Recalculation in the following ways:

  1. No report will be generated.
  2. The process will set the change flag even when no changes are made. By so doing, the window behavior (i.e Do you want to save changes?) will be the same for all documents, as required for a macro to function properly.

This option can be disabled by modifying the Dex.ini entry as follows:



The use of a macro to recalculate documents has been superseded by DZ Sales Batch Processing which is now the recommended process to recalculate a group of documents.

The following Example is a macro recorded for a single document. This macro can be copied and then pasted into a text file as many times as desired. If you want to run DZ Extended Tax Recalculation on 100 documents, paste 100 copies of this macro into your text file. The text file must be saved with an extension of .mac in order to select and run it from within Microsoft Dynamics GP

Suggestion: By saving or moving all the transactions that require recalculation to the batch that alphabetically sorts last (such as Batch ID: Z), the macro can be made to handle enough documents that it just runs until it errors out by reaching the end of the file. To make this work, the Sales Transaction Entry window browse buttons must be set to sort by Batch ID.


# DEXVERSION=10.0.320.0 2 2
CheckActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'SOP_Entry' window 'SOP_Entry'
MenuSelect title Additional entry 'DZ Extended Tax Recalculation'
ActivateWindow dictionary 'default' form 'SOP_Entry' window 'SOP_Entry'
MoveTo field 'Next Button - Toolbar'
ClickHit field 'Next Button - Toolbar'
# Do you want to save or delete the document?
NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form DiaLog window DiaLog
ClickHit field OK
NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'SOP_Entry' window 'SOP_Entry'

Build 71

dynamiczip/install/mods/release/build71/silent_dz_extended_tax_recalculation.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/15 23:22 by conni

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