Table of Contents
Tax Schedule Selection Messages
Current ID accepted
The current tax schedule is accepted as valid for this address.
DynamicZip Tax Schedule Selection is disabled
The Assign Tax Schedule option is not selected in the DynamicZip Setup window.
EXEMPT ID accepted
The current Tax Schedule ID is accepted under the Exempt Always Valid setup option.
Geocode out of sync
The Geocode stored in the DZ Customer Address Supplement table is not in sync with the related record in the Customer Master Address Table and will be corrected. Prior to Build 72 this geocode was retrieved from the DZ Tax Detail Supplement table and as a result included only the portion of the geocode for which tax details existed. (For example, if there was no city tax, the city component of the geocode would be missing.) As of Build 72, this geocode is retrieved from the DZ Tax Schedule Supplement table and in most cases is the full 10 character geocode. Consequently when you first use DZ Assign Customer Tax Schedules window after upgrading from a build prior to build 72, you will most likely see a substantial number of Geocode discrepancy messages.
Default for City and Zip
There is more than one choice for the available Tax Schedule Selection Criteria. The Default for City and Zip ID has been selected as a result of the Select Default selection option in the DynamicZip Setup window. This will only happen if there are multiple counties in the city and ZIP and the tax location county is blank.
Default for Zip
There is more than one choice for the ZIP Code. The Default for Zip ID has been selected as a result of the Select Default selection option in the DynamicZip Setup window. This will only happen if there are multiple choices for the ZIP Code and the tax location city is blank.
In City ID
In and Out of city limits tax schedules exist. The In City ID has been selected as a result of the Assume In City selection option in the DynamicZip Setup window.
No postal code
The ZIP Code is missing.
Multiple IDs exist
There is more than one choice for the available Tax Schedule Selection Criteria.
No valid ID found
No tax schedule could be found for the available Tax Schedule Selection Criteria.
Non-zip ID accepted
The current Tax Schedule ID is accepted under the Update Blank & Zip ID's Only setup option.
Only valid ID
There is only one choice for the Tax Schedule Selection Criteria.
Statewide ID selected
The Statewide Tax Schedule as specified in DZ State Setup window has been selected.
Tax by Item Category ID
The tax schedule selected is based on Tax By Item Category settings.
Tax Schedule Modified
The tax schedule has been modified. Tax details have been added or removed and/or changes have been made to tax details that may affect the tax amount.
Taxable ID
There is more than one choice for the available Tax Schedule Selection Criteria. The Taxable ID has been selected as a result of the Assume Taxable selection option in the DynamicZip Setup window.
Unsupported country
The value in the address Country Code field is not one of the specified country codes.
Unsupported postal code
The ZIP Code (postal code) does not match the supported formats.