Invoice Customer Detail Entry window
Transactions > Sales > Invoice Entry > Customer ID expansion button
Use the Invoice Customer Detail Entry window to enter customer-specific changes that apply only to this transaction. The changes won't be reflected in the Customer Maintenance window. To make permanent changes to the customer record, make them using the Customer Maintenance window.
The check mark next to the ship-to address or the bill-to address determines the information displayed in the contact and address fields. To move the check mark and change the information, click next to the ID for the contact and address information to view. To view and make changes to the information, click the Bill To Address ID or Ship To Address ID link to open the Customer Address Maintenance window.
On this window, there is a DynamicZip trigger on the Ship to Tax Schedule ID field for Tax Schedule Selection.
This is a Microsoft Dynamics GP window. Please see the Microsoft Dynamics GP help for more information on the functionality of this window.