====== Troubleshooting Tax by Item Category ====== If [[dynamiczip:features:tbic:tax_by_item_category|DynamicZip Tax by Item Category]] is not working, try the following: - Check your [[dynamiczip:windows:dynamiczip_setup_window|DynamicZip Setup window]] to verify that Tax by Item Category is enabled (checked) in the Sales Trx Entry section. - Open the DZ Tax by Item Category window and select File > Print for a report of your current settings. - Check the [[dynamiczip:windows:dz_item_category_assignment_window|DZ Item Category Assignment window]] to see which item numbers are assigned to each category. The assignments can be updated one by one using the [[dynamiczip:windows:dz_modify_item_supplement_window|DZ Modify Item Supplement window]]. The assignments can be updated in batch mode using the DZ Modify Item Supplement window. ===== Testing ===== Current settings can be tested using the [[dynamiczip:windows:dz_tax_lookup_window|DZ Tax Lookup window]]. ===== Update existing orders ===== Taxes in existing open orders can be updated to match the current settings one by one via Sales Transaction Entry > Additional > DZ Tax Recalculation. They can be updated in batch mode using the [[dynamiczip:windows:dz_sales_batch_processing_window|DZ Sales Batch Processing window]]. ---- [[dynamiczip:troubleshooting:Troubleshooting]]