======DZ Zip2Tax on Sales Table====== ^Display Name| DZ Zip2Tax On Sales | ^Technical Name|KD_Zip2TaxOnSales| ^Physical Name| DZ01405 | ^Database| COMPANY | This table((This table was added in [[dynamiczip:install:mods:release:build74:build74|Build 74]].)) stores the Zip2Tax sales tax rate import file information. This information is used to associate the matching row in the Zip2Tax use tax rate file. The purpose of this matching is to insure that when importing tax on purchases for a state that you have also imported tax on sales, tax on purchases tax details are added to each zip code tax schedule in the state being imported. This table is used only with the Zip2Tax import and is required for sales and purchase tax synchronization due to Zip2Tax using two separate files - one that contains sales tax rates and one that contains use tax rates. This table allows the rate and boundary import to verify that the two import source files are in sync. Refer to the [[dynamiczip:tables:dz_zip2_tax_purchase_link_table|DZ Purchase Tax Link table]] for more information. ---- [[dynamiczip:tables:tables|DynamicZip Tables]]