====== DZ State Setup table ====== //Permission to access this table is granted to the [[dynamiczip:setup:security:Tax Setup Task|Tax Setup Task]].// ^Display Name| DZ State Setup | ^Technical Name| KD_StateSetup | ^Physical Name| DZ00500 | ^Database| COMPANY | This table stores the state codes and names. The table may also contain user defined tax schedule IDs that override the DynamicZip [[dynamiczip:glossary:ZIP Code Tax schedule]] for any given state. In addition, certain states may be flagged via this table to [[dynamiczip:glossary:tax_sales_at_use_tax_rates|tax sales at use tax rates]] rather than the sales tax rates when importing the rate & boundary database for taxes on sales. Setup information must be manually entered if the table is dropped and recreated. The state codes and names will be refreshed or recreated when the [[dynamiczip:glossary:rate_and_boundary_database|rate & boundary database]] is imported. ===== Import States ===== The contents of this table can be viewed and edited by opening the [[dynamiczip:windows:DZ State Setup window]]. Clicking Import States from the DynamicZip menu at the top of the window will allow you to repopulate the table from the data contained in the [[dynamiczip:glossary:state_setup_file|StateSetup.txt file]]. ---- [[dynamiczip:tables:Tables|DynamicZip Tables]]