====== DZ Report Options table ====== //Permission for this file is granted to the [[dynamiczip:setup:security:Sales Reports Task]] and the [[dynamiczip:setup:security:Purchasing Reports Task]].// ^Display Name| DZ Report Options | ^Technical Name| KD_Options_ROPT | ^Physical Name| DZ70501 | ^Database| COMPANY | This table stores user defined DynamicZip report options. The records in this table are added manually by the user. You can view the contents of this table by opening the [[dynamiczip:windows:DZ Reports window]] Then select an Option and click Modify. ===== Data Model Changes ===== The following fields were modified with build 72: * **Report Name** was replaced with **KDReportTechName** (Used to identify the technical name of the report being run. The new field allows for longer technical names.) The following fields were added with build 70: * **Report Name:** Used to identify the technical name of the report being run. * **Start Class ID** and **End Class ID:** Used for restricting a report by Class ID. * **Start Vendor Class ID** and **End Vendor Class ID:** Used for restricting a report by Vendor Class ID. * **KDStartGeocode** and **KDEndGeocode:** Used for restricting a report by Geocode. * **KDStartLocation** and **KDEndLocation:** Used for restricting a report by Location Code. * **Shipping Type:** Used for restricting a report by Shipping Type. ---- [[dynamiczip:tables:tables|DynamicZip Tables]]