====== DZ Customer Supplement table ====== //Permission to access this table is granted to the [[dynamiczip:setup:security:Customer Cards Task]].// ^Display Name| DZ Customer Supplement | ^Technical Name| KD_CustomerSupplement | ^Physical Name| DZ01100 | ^Database| COMPANY | This table contains optional setup information that you have entered for specific customers. You can view the contents of this table by opening the [[dynamiczip:windows:DZ Customer Supplement window]]. The customer's base taxable status is stored in the [[dynamiczip:glossary:taxable_status|KDTaxStatus field]]. The customer's base taxable status can be overridden on a state by state basis. Those settings are stored in the [[dynamiczip:tables:dz_customer_tax_by_state_table|DZ Customer Tax by State table]] At this time, only the first 2 of the array of 50 boolean fields are in use. They are: - KDSetupOption_1 = [[dynamiczip:faq:allow_override_by_state_faq|Allow state override]] - KDSetupOption_2 = [[dynamiczip:glossary:always_exempt|Always exempt]] ---- [[dynamiczip:tables:tables|DynamicZip Tables]]