====== RM Total Amount Zero Bug ====== Fixed a bug in the SQL Optimized [[dynamiczip:reports:DynamicZip Tax Reports]] that zeroed out the 'Total Amount' field on tax details retrieved from transactions entered in the [[dynamics:windows:Receivables Transaction Entry window]] when the detail's 'Sales Tax Amount' field is zero. The [[dynamiczip:windows:Reconcile Documents]] feature adjusted this zeroed out amount back to the correct amount. This bug was introduced by changes made in Build 70-sp1 and Build 71-sp1 with the [[dynamiczip:reports:User Modifed Taxable Amount]] modification. This bug did not affect Non-optimized [[dynamiczip:reports:DynamicZip Tax Reports]]. ---- [[dynamiczip:install:mods:release:build72:Build72|DynamicZip Build72]].