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Valid Tax Schedule Selection

There are several settings that control what DynamicZip sees as a valid tax schedule selection.

If a Taxable ID has been selected in the DZ State Setup window for the Tax Location state, then DynamicZip will ignore Zip Code Tax Schedule and select that Taxable ID. If the selection is for a customer that has been flagged as exempt in the DZ Customer Supplement window then DynamicZip will select the Exempt ID specified in the DZ State Setup window.

  • else

If Update Blank & Zip ID's Only has been selected in the DynamicZip Setup window then any non Zip Code Tax Schedule will be considered valid.

  • else

If Exempt Always Valid has been selected in the DynamicZip Setup window then any Tax Schedule ID that contains “EXEMPT” will be considered valid.

  • else

The selected tax schedule must conform to the Zip Code Tax Schedule ID Format and be for the City, State and ZIP Code of the Tax Location

Invalid Tax Schedule

dynamiczip/features/schedule_assignment/valid_tax_schedule_selection.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/12 22:04 by conni

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