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How Can I Modify/Remove Details or Schedules?

DynamicZip has tools and utilities to help you manage your tax details and tax schedules.

Modify Tax Schedule

  1. Select the range of tax schedules that you want to modify.
  2. Select which schedules you want to modify - All, Exempt, or Taxable.
  3. Select whether you want to add or remove details to/from the range of tax schedules.
  4. Select the limitations for the modifications.
  5. Click Preview to view the schedules that will be modified, or click Add/Remove (depending on the selection made in step 3), and a message will ask if you want to Add/Remove or Cancel.
  6. Click Add/Remove to continue, or click Cancel to leave the tax schedules unchanged.

Modify Tax Detail

  1. Select the range of tax details that you want to modify.
  2. Select a tax detail to serve as a sample starting place from which to track the changes you desire. This detail is used as a sample only - it will not be modified unless it is included in the range.
  3. Indicate the changes desired (in relation to the sample starting place).
  4. Click Review Modifications, and a window will open summarizing the changes that will be made.
  5. When you are sure that the modifications match your needs, click Update. Otherwise click Cancel to leave the tax details unchanged.

Modifying Tax Detail Supplement

This window is used for changing the Import Status for a range of Tax Detail.

  1. Enter the appropriate range of details.
  2. Set the appropriate Limit to Details of the Following Type options.
  3. Select the Import Status settings you wish to apply.
  4. Click Preview to view the details that will be effected.
  5. Click the Update button to modify those details' supplements.

Removing Tax Details

You cannot remove tax details that are assigned to one or more tax schedules. So the first step will be:

  1. Either manually remove the detail(s) from the schedule(s) using the Tax Schedule Maintenance window or use the DZ Modify Tax Schedules window to remove a detail(s) from a range of schedules.
  2. Open the DZ Remove Tax Details window and select/deselect the checkboxes to best suit your needs. For more information about these checkboxes, please see Scan All Details First To Last, Unused Tax Details and Inactive Tax Details.
    1. If you choose to Scan all Details, First to Last, then you can press the Preview button to see what the process will do when it is actually run. When you are sure that the preview report shows what you want to do, press the Remove button.Both buttons will generate a report when the process is finished, which list all the effected tax details.(please skip #4)
    2. If you did not choose to Scan all Details, First to Last, then you will need to enter a starting and an ending tax detail ID. Click here to see the DynamicZip tax detail ID format. You can set the range for a state with something like starting ID = TX, ending ID = TXZ (for Texas).
  3. Press the Preview button to see what the process will do when it is actually run. When you are sure that the preview report shows what you want to do, press the Remove button.Both buttons will generate a report when the process is finished, which list all the effected tax details.

Removing Tax Schedules

  1. Select the Restrict by
    1. State Code
    2. Tax Schedule ID
      1. Select the range of tax schedules that you want to remove. If you are removing a range of Zip code tax schedules, be aware that some states have more than one range of contiguous ZIP Codes. (If you remove some unintentionally, you can recreate them be re-importing the Rate and Boundary Database.)
  2. Select which schedules you want to remove - All, Exempt, or Taxable.
  3. Select which type of schedules you want to remove - All, Zip schedules or Non-Zip schedules.
  4. Click Preview to view the schedules that will be removed. A message will then ask if you want to Remove or Cancel.
  5. Click Remove to continue with the changes, or press Cancel to quit.

Frequently Asked Questions

dynamiczip/faq/how_modify_remove_faq.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/31 17:56 by conni

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