
Does DynamicZip work with Integration Manager?

Yes, but there may be some issues.

Integration Manager simulates keystrokes so DynamicZip works with Integration Manager as it would if the documents were being entered manually. The issues come down to the situations that could be handled easily when entering the documents manually, but that pose a potential problem when using Integration Manager. These are:

  1. DynamicZip is typically set to address by ZIP, meaning that the user enters a ZIP Code and then DynamicZip populates the City and State fields automatically. However, when multiple cities share the same ZIP Code, DynamicZip may open a lookup window that allows the user to select the appropriate city. This option is called Open Address Lookup, and can be turned off from the DynamicZip Setup window. Alternately, DynamicZip can be set to facilitate the entry of the city and state prior to entering the ZIP Code by turning off the Skip City and State option on the DynamicZip Setup window. With this setting, DynamicZip will simply validate the city, state, and ZIP Code combination. An important point is that the city, state and ZIP exist in the DynamicZip tables, and must be spelled and punctuated as expected by DynamicZip. To facilitate this functionality, we added the Auto Correct City option to the DynamicZip Setup window. This option will automatically “correct” the city and state to what DynamicZip sees as the best match for the city, state and ZIP Code entered. Best match is determined using the DZ Naming Rules window1) and the Sql Soundex function. NOTE: The automatic city selection may not even be close to the city entered. For example, when an incorrect ZIP Code has been entered, the city will be “corrected” to a city within that ZIP Code.
  2. DynamicZip will automatically select the Tax Schedule based on the ship-to address's city, state and ZIP. At times there can be multiple valid choices for the ship-to address. The DynamicZip Setup window has the options which can be set to select the default choice in these situations. With all the default settings enabled, DynamicZip should automatically select a tax schedule for each and every city, state and ZIP Code combination within the current Rate & Boundary Database as long as the address is valid (as explained above). Since DynamicZip accommodates the automatic selection of the default tax schedule, this should work equally well with Integration Manager.

For added accuracy in the tax schedule selection, consider adding the Zip+4 Option With this option, DynamicZip will further restrict the tax schedule selection to the correct county (as well as the correct city, state and ZIP Code).

NOTE: If your addresses do not include the +4 extensions, then the functionality added by the Zip+4 Option is of no value. This feature does not calculate the +4 extension for you.


This window was discontinued in Build 74
dynamiczip/faq/dynamiczip_integration_manager_faq.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/02 18:50 by conni

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