Table of Contents

TE Sales & Use Tax Reports window

The TE Sales & Use Tax Reports window provides a central location for printing reports on the transactions saved in the TE Transaction Document, Line and Tax tables.


Report by

Select one of the following; Document, LineItem or TaxDetail.

Option Name

Enter a name for the report.

Sort & Print Options


Sort by 1

Choose a top level sort order for the report.

Sort by 2

Add an additional sort by level.

Sort by 3

Add an additional sort by level.

Sort by 4

Add an additional sort by level.

Export Layout

By running the Simple report in TestMode, the results will be restructured to be directly comparable to the Simple Layout Export report that can be printed from DynamicZip. We created this option for internal use in SQA. To generate the report from within DynamicZip, the Dex.ini must contain DZ_SimpleExportLayout=TRUE which currently only applies to printing the Option D export report in summary mode.



Select a restriction range.


Insert the restriction range.


Remove the selected restriction range.

KampData TaxEngine windows