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DZ Plus4 Geocode table

Permission to access this table is granted to the Tax Setup Task.

Display Name DZ Plus4 Geocode
Technical Name KD_Plus4Geocode
Physical Name DZ00800
Database COMPANY1)

This table2) contains a record for each contiguous group of Plus4's having a common Tax Location for each ZIP Code included in the import that is not for a single rate state.

The table is populated by the rate & boundary import but only if the optional Zip+4 Option is enabled and the ZipPlus4.txt file exists in the Import Folder.

The table is used by the Zip+4 Option to identify the Tax Location county based on the ZIP+4 in the address.

Data Model Changes

Build 74

Fields Added

Fields Removed

Build 72

Fields Added

DynamicZip Tables

Prior to build 74 this table was in the DYNAMICS database
Added with Build 70.