====== Accessing the TaxEngine through COM ====== - See [[taxengine:install:getting_started|Getting Started]] with the KampData TaxEngine - Be sure that you have the [[taxengine:requirements:tax_engine_dot_net_requirements|required version of the .NET Framework]] and RegAsm.exe file. - Register the KampData TaxEngine - Copy and paste the RegAsm.exe file into your KampData TaxEngine installation folder. - Run the Command Prompt as administrator. - From the Command Prompt, change the directory to your KampData TaxEngine installation folder.**Example:** cd C:\Program Files\KampData\KampData TaxEngine v.2 - Use the RegAsm.exe application to register all of the public classes in the KampData TaxEngine **Example: **regasm KDTaxEngine.dll. - Use the RegAsm.exe application to create a .reg file that describes the KampData TaxEngine This file must be merged into the registry on your system. **Example:** regasm KDTaxEngine.dll /regfile:KDTaxEngine.reg - Use the RegAsm.exe application to create a .tlb file that contains the definitions of the public types in the KampData TaxEngine **Example:** regasm KDTaxEngine.dll /tlb:KDTaxEngine.tlb. Step 5 creates the type library that you will reference from within your programming environment to access the KampData TaxEngine features that are available through COM. **NOTE: **The KampData TaxEngine should be located in the same directory as your application. Another option is to add the KDTaxEngine.dll to the global assembly cache (GAC) where it can be located by any application accessing it through COM. ---- [[taxengine:integration:Integration]]